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Posted by: Karen Donathen-Duffy on 01/15/2020

When God Uses One Woman

Karen's Testimony of becoming a Missionary in her mid-40s.

God wants to fulfill the dreams of His children no matter their age, seeming lack of qualifications, or their circumstances! Discover what one person can do when God uses them for His purpose all the while fulfilling a long-awaited dream!  God is at work orchestrating the universe...He is able to give us the desires of our hearts!  You may just be next!!! 

Detailed Description:

In "When God Uses One Woman," Karen shares her personal, seemingly impossible,  dream that God made a reality!  She will take you on an adventure of how God took her from teaching in a Bible college to the dense Ecuadorian rainforest... fulfilling 30 year old dream of hers.  Karen thought it was just too late for God to use her in the Amazon; but here she is being used by God to work alongside the remote indigenous tribes (Waorani, Achuar and Shuar) who live deep in the jungle!  A dream come true!!!

God wants to fulfill the dreams of His children no matter their age, seeming lack of qualifications, or their circumstances! Discover what one person can do when God uses them for His purpose all the while fulfilling a long-awaited dream!  God is at work orchestrating the universe...He is able to give us the desires of our hearts!  You may just be next!!!  

Karen will use her work in the Amazon as an example of the sovereign work of God, describing some of her unique experiences such as meeting and spending time with Mincaye and Dayuma (from the 1956 missionary story). Karen can bring a fascinating cultural display of traditional indigenous items including jewelry, pottery, baskets and Waorani spears, the same as those used to kill the missionaries in 1956.


Prof. Karen Duffy    

https://KarenDuffy.shutterfly.com     www.CometotheRainforest.org


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