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Posted by: Kim Chaffin on 04/06/2016

Dont' Pintrest Jesus Out of the Season

Dont' Pinterest Jesus out of the season looks at how we can get so caught up in the holiday festivities that we take our eyes and hearts of the real reason we are celebrating in the first place. 

With the Christmas holiday upon us we need to be careful not to get so “wrapped” up in the holiday parties, baking, and gift shopping that we forget the reason we are celebrating Christmas.

Christmas isn’t about theme trees. Though I admit I do have a bit of an addiction to theme trees.   It’s more than a beautifully set table. It’s not about finding the perfect decorating ideas for your Christmas party.  And there is way more to Christmas than designing the perfect Christmas card that everyone will be talking about. 

Lets not forget the lights.  They are sure pretty but those twinkling lights on your home are not truly what Christmas is about.  Christmas is also more than the creative gift-wrapping ideas that we find on Pinterest and it’s not about pining the perfect homemade gifts to one of your boards. 

Just like I got so consumed with making the perfect thanksgiving dinner we can all get so caught up in making sure our home is Pinterest Perfect that we can in a sense “Pinterest Jesus out of the season”

In the talk I gave examples of how we can be the hands and feet of Christ in the simplest of ways.  I also shared with the ladies how a elderly couple in a snowy Fred Meyer parking lot taught me one of the most important lessons I have ever learned.  

Ladies we need to be careful that we don’t Pinterest Jesus out of the season. We need to make sure that during the holidays that we keep our eyes and our hearts focused on Him.  He is after He is the greatest gift there ever was or ever will be. 

I love the lights on my house to be tight and all going in one direction.  But the truth is… I am less concerned with my house shining beautifully in the dark and more concerned about shinning the love of Christ to others who may be lost in the dark

I spoke in December of 2015 for One Strand Ministries 

This was such a fun event with women from several churches.  I was able to show my sense of humor.  This talk will always be remember by me because as I of the laughter I received and because of the tears the women cried when I told of a lesson I learned in cold and snowy parking lot.  This also became a post for both Living Better 50 magazine and in a post written to teens for the Whatever Girls Ministry. Whatever Girls Ministry.

Video from that night

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