Are you experiencing heartache or difficulty in your life? Psalm 56:8 tells us that God collects our tears in a bottle and records every teardrop in His book. God cares about our pain,...
Posted by Melissa Main on 07/30/2024
While working in hospice, I once introduced myself to a fantastic woman in her nineties. I asked a conversation starter question that was phrased something like, "tell me...
Posted by Emily Hill on 07/23/2024
Have you ever played soccer, softball, or kickball where you were chasing after the ball, just to try and win at the game? Many times, we "chase" after something to try and...
Posted by Cheryl Hines on 07/10/2024
Kelly Master shares her transformative experiences ministering in strip clubs, prisons, recovery homes, and on the streets. Through compelling stories and profound insights, she highlights...
Posted by Kelly Master on 07/08/2024
Our Heavenly Father blesses us big! A grateful heart can make a huge difference in how we respond to day to day pressures, anxiety and life in general. Join Ruth as she...
Posted by Ruth Wheat on 06/26/2024
You become what you think, which sets the course of your life. Learn how replacing even just one wrong thought with Biblical truth can change your entire life and bring you into...
Ruth offers a beacon of hope and inspiration for women entering the golden years of their lives. Drawing on her own experiences and those of women she has encountered on her journey,...
Posted by Ruth Wheat on 06/26/2024
Life's journey often takes us through valleys of despair, where darkness and depression seem overwhelming. It's in these moments that God's healing power can become most...
Posted by Ruth Wheat on 06/26/2024
Why do we neglect our brokenness? We may deny having brokenness, we may despise it, or maybe we view it as a deficiency. What if we allowed our brokenness to be a blessing?...
Posted by Staci Pealock on 06/18/2024
Deep roots take time and intentionality to develop, but then serve us well through the storms of life. In this session, Jodi shares the three biggest growth inhibitors along with her...
Often, when we hear the word “sober” we think of abstinence from alcohol and other addictive substances. Jenn expands your thinking to more of a mindset. Her definition...
Posted by Jenn Kautsch on 06/11/2024
Jesus used the Psalms not just as a memorization activity; he experienced them when he sang Psalm 118 before going to the Garden of Gethsemane and quoted from Psalms 22 and 31...