Why do women go overboard taking care of everyone in their lives, but feel guilty for taking care of themselves! Neglecting ourselves leaves us tired and run down with little desire...
Posted by Barb Roose on 04/06/2017
In a world growing increasingly unsafe for the believer and for a woman in general, it is necessary to protect ourselves both spiritually and physically. In these sessions, Beth addresses...
https://www.bethannowens.com/trauma-mamaTraumatic Brain Injury affects 1.7 million Americans every year. Beth was one of them. Four and a half years ago, Beth's 21 year old...
Posted by Beth Owens on 03/26/2017
In this series, Beth approaches the seemingly elusive gift from the Holy Spirit - Joy. Each session is unique and brings out something different in us for each one. Each session can...
Posted by Beth Owens on 01/25/2017
Presentation based on book Blessing Generations Through Prayer and the power that prayer has on your bloodline. The Bible tells us to leave an inheritance to our children’s...
Posted by Lisa Hooks on 01/17/2017
1. Lasting Joy illudes many from Hollywood elites to billionares who "have it all." But real joy isn't based on material goods, but starts with knowing God intimately...
Posted by Jeannie Vogel on 01/06/2017
Becoming a better you is way more than a number on the scale. From losing 60lbs to shedding spiritual weight, Brandy wants to share with you how God took her on a journey of loss with...
Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 12/24/2016
From letting go of her past to letting go of her children, Brandy wants to share with you how the Lord has grown her through these times. God has so much for our lives and holding...
Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 12/04/2016
I just wonder...is the person that I am inside, the one everyone else sees also? I mean, the person that I am at home, when I'm alone, when I'm aggravated, angry, or questioning...
Posted by Tracy Lewis on 09/21/2016
Hear Brandy as she shares ways to embrace your cross in the midst of trials while pressing on towards the goal set before you. ...
Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 09/07/2016
"I'm very sorry to have to tell you this, but you are never going to be successful." The business coach's words were discouraging and disappointing. They say...
There was a little adopted farm girl, named Teresa, who did not know who her "real" mother and father were. In her quest for that information, God brought her to know...
Posted by Teresa E. Nelson on 09/03/2016