In this inspiring talk, discover how God uses our deepest struggles to showcase His faithfulness and bring hope to others. Learn how our pain can become a powerful platform for sharing...
Posted by Nicole Langman on 12/30/2024
Savior Syndrome:Having a strong desire to rescue others, by making their problems your problem. Trying to control other people's decisions by "counseling" them to do...
Posted by Ann Medina on 08/12/2024
When life gives you lemons MAKE LEMON AID! These sessions show how to practically apply the Word od God to take the difficulties in life and turn them into blessings from the Lord...
Posted by Tamberlyn Brown on 07/02/2024
I want to be like the Alabaster woman when it comes to my service to the Lord; I will either annoy him or anoint him.I want my acts of love toward God to demonstrate that my heart...
Posted by Patti Davis on 02/11/2024
We are given no choice as to whether or not we should have trials; probably God could not trust us to choose what is good for us! We cannot decide whether to have them; we can only...
Spiritual warfare is often misunderstood or oversimplified, leading to confusion and misconceptions even among God’s children. Since we don’t understand it, we make inaccurate...
Posted by Anna Moore Bradfield on 01/22/2024
Having difficulty finding peace these days? It’s not surprising, given your busy life and our wacky world. Come away with me and rediscover real and lasting peace....
A busy life, with a full to-do list leads to spiritual stagnation. Billie didn’t realize the stagnation in her own life until her pastor asked the question, what is God doing...
Posted by Billie Jauss on 12/11/2023
Count it ALL Joy! Life is complex... a series of highs and lows, successes and blows! This program prepares you to walk through the valleys with faith, hope, and joy.=====What we focus...
When bad things happen, is your faith wobbly? How can you stand strong in your faith even through difficult times? There is a way, and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego found it - even...
Posted by Deedy Tripp on 03/15/2023
Yes, YOU can embrace the joy of the Lord in the midst of anxiety. It can be difficult because God’s joy doesn’t necessarily look like candy and roses all the time, does...