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Posted by: Beth Owens on 01/25/2017

Upgrade Your Joy

In this series, Beth approaches the seemingly elusive gift from the Holy Spirit - Joy. Each session is unique and brings out something different in us for each one. Each session can work individually on its own or as a series with all three sessions. 

     Session One: The ABC's and 1-2-3's of JOY -  Shared from a teaching perspective where she uses her talents and experience as a kindergarten teacher, Beth talks about the many hats that women are required to wear. In wearing these hats we can often lose our joy in the busy, the routine, the mundane and the unexpected. Beth shares about the enablers and disablers of joy and asks some thought provoking questions about what joy really looks like and feels like. With sound Biblical teaching, and the humor of real life experiences as a teacher, mother and wife, this is a delightful, lighthearted session.

     Session Two: Martha the Hip Hop Granny - In this fun skit, old lady Martha makes us laugh and cry as she demonstrates that joy can not be found in the next best thing. Using technology of old and new she tries to stay hip and young by keeping up with the newest gadget - that she can't for the life of her pronounce correctly! She reminds us that there is only one true source of joy and life and that is in our faith and in our relationship with the never changing Lord Jesus Christ. 

     Session Three: A Samaritan Woman's Kind of Joy - In the last part of the series she uses the Samaritan Woman's story to demonstrate our endless attempts at filling our buckets with everything but Jesus and how we keep coming back again and again, only thirstier each time. Beth gets personal, transparent and deep to help others look inside their own hearts and evaluate what they have been putting in their buckets that can not compare to Jesus' living water. Beth ends this more serious session with an invitation to act and turn your buckets over once and for all to the Only One who can offer us what we seek and desire. 

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