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Posted by: Beth Owens on 03/26/2017

Her Defense

In a world growing increasingly unsafe for the believer and for a woman in general, it is necessary to protect ourselves both spiritually and physically. In these sessions, Beth addresses our protection from the inside and out. 

     Session One: Arm-her of God - In this session using Ephesians 6:10-17, Beth demonstrates how a woman's armor is used to protect her uniquely as a woman warrior of God. Each piece that we put on is made perfectly for each one of us for the battles that God knew we would face. As Beth pursues each piece of armor and what it means to a Woman Warrior, she also points out that not only can we be dressed and ready for the battle, but we can also be prepared for the attack, that doesn't necessarily have to catch us off guard - Satan often attacks those areas of our lives that are the most important to us, so we can be watchful and on guard! She also adds a few extra tools that we can keep on hand that only enhance our armor. 

     Session Two: Her Defense - Beth follows up her Arm-her of God session with a live product demonstration using her Damsel in Defense business as the backdrop. Beth firmly believes that God is the Ultimate Protector and Healer. Yet, just as we often are forced to go to a doctor for an issue that is beyond our control, which doesn't suggest our lack of faith in Him, yet suggests our obedience in taking care of our bodies as we are commanded, we are often in situations where we are expected to protect those bodies that he has left in our care. Using real products like alarms, pepper sprays, stun guns, road trip assistance tools, and kubatons, Beth offers hands on methods to defend yourself if you should happen to find yourself in a bad situation. http://www.mydamselpro.net/PRO17851

     Session Three: Woman Warrior! - Using John 16:33 as the backdrop for this message, Beth explores why bad things happen to good people. John tells us, "In this world you WILL have trouble." She shows us that whatever we have faced - abuse, addiction, loss, rejection, miscarriage, divorce, brokenness, financial distress - are troubles that are doorways to the dark, broken and ugly in ourselves. She shows us how those troubles set up camp in the much and the mire of misery and we allow it to swallow us whole. And, just about the time we ask ourselves, "Is this it. Is this all there is?" Beth points us to the other side of the verse, the other side of the story where God says, "Take heart, I have overcome the world. She challenges us to choose which side of the verse we are on and to RISE UP as the woman warriors that God created us to be. To rise up from the broken and the ugly and the dark that is keeping us a prisoner from the things God has planned for us and become a Warrior for Him.

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