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Posted by: Beth Owens on 03/26/2017

Trauma Mama


Traumatic Brain Injury affects 1.7 million Americans every year. Beth was one of them. 

Four and a half years ago, Beth's 21 year old son was tragically and severely injured when he was struck by a vehicle while crossing an intersection. A coma, amnesia, physical disabilities, mental and emotional obstacles and a traumatic brain injury followed, changing their lives forever. 

Journey with Beth as she learns to navigate this new normal as she speaks about where God was in the midst of this battle. Beth speaks in a raw, authentic and transparent viewpoint from a mother facing her worst nightmare, 

Topic Trauma Mama offers 3 unique sessions that can work together as a series or offer something on their own independently from one another. 

     Session One: Comas Suck - In this session, Beth recreates her journey from the first phone call telling her that her son was in critical condition, to the next 3 months while her son remained in a coma. Inviting us into the inside of his room on the Intensive Trauma Care Ward, Beth uses real life experience, pain, humor, and her fight with God to offer hope and unexpected joy to others who have suffered traumatic adversity.

     Session Two:  The Tide Incident - In this session, Beth continues over the next year of her sons story of recovery, again through the eyes of a mother who never anticipated her masculine, muscular Air Force Special Forces Airmen to become like a child who had to learn to speak, walk, eat and be cared for like an infant. Beth elicits a myriad of emotions as many parts of his recovery were painful. Yet, she finds humor in stories, such as when her son was doing his laundry for the first time while still suffering from amnesia. 

     Session Three: The On Purpose - In this session, which begins at about two years out from his accident, Beth reveals how, even at full recovery, her and her son's lives will never be the same. However, they both begin to see God's might hand at work in her son's life physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Her son was left with trademark symptoms and lifelong disabilities associated with TBI, yet four and a half years later he claimed that frightful night as his "On Purpose" because he knew God had a greater plan for him than the lifestyle he had chosen before his accident. Join Beth as she reveals God's glory in and through this tragedy and claims this for His good and useful purpose in her own life and her sons. 

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