Discover the art of entering into rest! Be rejuvenated by Scriptural truths and learn some easy to implement tips that help renew peace & balance in body, mind, and spirit.Are...
Are you tired of conflicting diet information on the internet? Confused about what you should actually be eating? Listen a nutritionist explain what healthy eating looks like and how...
You don't plan to have an accident. But you can be prepared when you or someone else has an intense emotional incident. Our handy Emotional First Aid Triangle uses scripture and...
Posted by Hannah Thuku Kolehmainen on 10/05/2024
Are you a woman of faith that feels enslaved to food? Constantly thinking about what to eat or what not to eat? Come discover a faith-based, holistic approach to not only finding physical...
Posted by Heather Lines-Degelman on 10/04/2024
This talk emphasizes the importance of healthy relationships in all areas of life—family, friendships, and community. Attendees will learn communication strategies and biblical...
Posted by Vanesa Alcantara on 09/27/2024
Explore the nine attributes of the Fruit of the Spirit and how they can be practically lived out in everyday life. This session will include interactive discussions and actionable...
Posted by Vanesa Alcantara on 09/27/2024
Unpacked is a topic that came to me as I thought about all the small victories I’ve had in my life so far. This concept came to me when I began to do counseling again due to...
Posted by Vanesa Alcantara on 09/27/2024
A message to challenge us to reevaluate the wells we are turning to in desperate times. Even in times when all is "well" which 'well' are we turning to in order to...
Posted by Vanesa Alcantara on 09/27/2024
Unforgiveness is a poison that holds you back, while forgiveness is the key to unlocking your freedom and revitalizing your life. In "Letting Go of Unforgiveness," Georgina...
During this speech, I present all the different ways in which we can have a successful and healthy morning. Where we can jumpstart our day with our goals in mind so when we hit the...
Posted by Rossie Manka on 09/26/2024
God has uniquely equipped each of us with individual abilities, energy, time, and resources. But how are you using them? In "Maximizing Your Gifts," Georgina will guide your...
Posted by Georgina Verzal on 09/17/2024
Cluttered home? Disorganized office? No time for God? When you live in chaos and clutter, everything and everyone suffers. Major Mom shares strategies and insider secrets that you...