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Posted by: Rossie Manka on 09/26/2024

Success Starts In The Morning

During this speech, I present all the different ways in which we can have a successful and healthy morning. Where we can jumpstart our day with our goals in mind so when we hit the pillow at night, we feel and know we were productive. Because it all starts in the morning when we care for our body, mind, and spirit. The tools presented in this speaking engagement will leave the audience captivated to wake up early and jumpstart their day instead of slumping into work until one has had their coffee/tea. In fact, hydration, kicking your stress habits, time management, mindfulness and prayer are all key in living a successful and healthy life.

Lastly, I am so inspired to share these essential tips as well as the heart of God that moved me to share this engagement with His Sons and Daughters on how to jumpstart their day to be proactive, productive and successful in life, and to work smarter not harder - no longer conformed to this world. But doing things God's way and hearing from Him in the still of the day. 

You won't regret this jam packed, dynamite topic! 

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