God doesn’t merely give us enough grace. He lavishes it on us with abundance! God gives us more grace than we need to not only survive life’s difficulties, but to thrive...
Posted by Kathy Howard on 11/02/2015
This Focus Topic centers on the importance of encouraging one another to stay strong in their faith. We have fun examining the relationship Paul had with Timothy... as a mentor, instructor,...
Posted by Carla McDougal on 10/31/2015
Often we think that maturity in Christ should mean less struggle, less temptation, less humanness, and less frailty. So don’t let anyone know that you are experiencing those...
Posted by Shelly Brown on 10/29/2015
Knowing God, His Grace, and the type of friends He wants you to have will give you a life of JOY!...
Posted by Gina Bauman on 10/29/2015
Are you frustrated with the latest Dr. Phil, Oprah, and/or pop Psychology trends in parenting? Have you tried these methods only to find that they are ineffective and sometimes even...
Posted by Tamberlyn Brown on 10/29/2015
Simplify your life and radiate real beauty from the inside out.This presentation combines a woman’s natural desire to look her best with proven tips and techniques to simplify...
Posted by Jill Swanson on 10/29/2015
If you are like me, when you look back over the errors, failures and mishaps in your life you may wonder why a holy God would ever love you. How can he forgive and forget all the things...
Pain is a universal denominator. It crosses gender, race, socio-economic status, and education. Pain does not judge, nor does it discriminate. Pain is real and it can be debilitating....
Posted by Saundra Dalton-Smith on 10/29/2015
Girl, you gotta meet Grace! Grace loves you when you're unlovable, pulls you out of the pit when you're pitiful, and strengthens you when you're struggling. Get to know...
Posted by Laurie Cole on 10/29/2015
Could the Adulterous Woman and the Sinful Woman with the Alabaster Jar be one in the same person? Reading John and Luke's account of these two women can bring this into speculation....
Posted by Daneen Pysz on 10/29/2015
Inspiring women to live a life of grace received from The Father and poured out into others lives. My desire is that through this talk women will understand more fully the precious...
Posted by Carolynn Scully on 10/29/2015
Stephanie shares her story of addiction, sin, struggles, and the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ. She teaches on the truth that when we give our lives to Christ we become new creatures...
Posted by Stephanie Olson on 10/29/2015