Christian Speaker
Omaha Nebraska
Psalm 139
Position | Christian Woman Speaker |
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Omaha, NE
Stephanie Olson is a speaker, author, podcaster, and the CEO of The Set Me Free Project ®.
Stephanie earned a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a minor in English from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, a Master of Arts in Strategic Communication from Liberty University, and an Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy from TIAU Business School.
Before founding The Set Me Free Project ®, Stephanie worked with women in areas such as sexual and domestic violence, addiction, and homelessness. She also educated youth on healthy relationships. Following extensive training and research in human trafficking prevention and social media safety, she co-founded The Set Me Free Project ®.
Stephanie’s mission is to share God’s abounding grace and great love for all. With a conversational and humorous style, she inspires and empowers others. Having overcome years of parental abandonment, eating disorders, alcoholism, and domestic and sexual violence, she found restoration through Jesus Christ.
Stephanie also aids leaders in building resilience. Her work on resilience in leadership has inspired people across the United States, addressing topics such as leadership, trauma, toxic workplaces, mental health, and resilience. As a woman of color and a survivor of domestic and sexual violence, Stephanie brings her lived experience, research, and humor to her impactful speaking engagements. She is a sought-after speaker on issues related to women, youth, human trafficking, and social media safety. Through The Set Me Free Project ®, she is dedicated to preventing trafficking among youth and young adults, and she loves to inspire, encourage, and bring hope to every audience she addresses.
Submitted by Bickford Assisted Living on Monday, Feb 05, 2024
Stephanie Olson is a woman of uncompromising faith and integrity who has a passion for seeing lives set free through the power of Jesus Christ. She is an inspiring speaker who has the ability to challenge others to move forward in their spiritual journey, and find freedom from strongholds that so often prevent us from experiencing God’s best in our lives. Stephanie’s love for others is evident through her ability to minister and connect with people from all walks of life. She is genuine, transparent, and very knowledgeable of God’s Word. Having had the opportunity to attend events where Stephanie has been the key note speaker; knowing her on a personal level; and serving alongside of her at times, I would strongly recommend her to any group seeking a Christ-centered speaker for their event. To God be the glory!
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Submitted by Paxton New Life Church And FCA on Thursday, Aug 10, 2023
Stephanie Olson recently spoke at our FCA event and then at Paxton New Life Lutheran Church in Paxton, NE. Her words at the FCA event were truly based on the word of God! She was able to use her speaking talents to relate to and touch every life there that night. The next morning in church, Stephanie took over the entire service. Her musical talents and amazing voice made a lasting impact on the way our congregation worships. Her message that morning was as if she knew exactly what we needed. She seemed to have been a member of our congregation for years, even though we had only just met the day before. Her words uplifted and rejuvenated our entire congregation. We will definitely have Stephanie Olson come back to Paxton to help further spread the true Word of God!
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Submitted by Westwood Church on Tuesday, Aug 02, 2022
"To Whom It May Concern: It is a great privilege to recommend Stephanie Olson to you as a speaker. Stephanie and her husband Eric have been an active part of Westwood Church for many years. Stephanie has spoken in our worship serves and served as an adult teacher and a deacon, as well as a member of our music ministry. Stephanie has also pioneered Set Me Free Ministries and blessed our entire community with several women's events. Stephanie's spiritual life is active and vibrant. She is really a role model at our church for vulnerable but positive spiritual growth. She is a great wife, mom and most of all servant of Jesus. As a communicator Stephanie excels. Her talks are Bible based but life focused. She communicates the truth of God's Word in a way that makes life application obvious. Her humor and her illustrations are always right on the mark and used to undergird her central ideas. .....
On Topic
Stephanie shares her story of addiction, sin, struggles, and the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ. She teaches on the truth that when we give our lives to Christ we become new creatures...
Posted by Stephanie Olson on 10/29/2015
Stephanie Olson teaches on the joy of the Lord. This is no 12-step meeting or message on addictions. And although battling an addiction is a huge battle and shouldn't be ignored...
Posted by Stephanie Olson on 10/29/2015
As a Survivor of domestic and sexual violence, Stephanie Olson shares how you can live a life of victory after surviving trauma. And how do you help someone going through that trauma?...
Posted by Stephanie Olson on 10/29/2015
Stephanie Olson is the CEO of The Set Me Free Project, an organization that provides prevention education to youth and families on sex trafficking, social media, and healthy relationships....
Stephanie Olson prays for the Holy Spirit's leading before any speaking engagement. She believes the Lord wants to speak to each group a word just for them. No topic is off limits...
Posted by Stephanie Olson on 10/29/2015
Stephanie Olson is available for your women's event! Bringing humor, fun, and life changing messages, Stephanie will add what you need for your women's conference. Whether...
Posted by Stephanie Olson on 02/01/2016
Turning your trauma into triumph and success as a women leader isn't easy to do, however, when we do it we can become powerful leaders. Stephanie teaches how you can use your trauma...
Have you ever experienced Imposter Syndrome? Most of us that have experienced success in any way, regardless of what that success looks like, have questioned our own abilities. Stephanie...
What does resilience really mean? I think we know what resilience in life; taking two steps forward and one step back and getting back up again. But what does resilience mean in leadership?...
Sometimes holding on to the past prevents us from embracing all good things coming into our lives. "Let Go to Grow" is an empowering keynote that explores the transformative...
Do you deal with difficult people? Stephanie discusses the best strategies on how to survive, er, I mean, deal with those more difficult to deal with and how we manage them. This...
As women leaders we are, by nature, built to take on quite a bit, however, we can't do it all! How as leaders can we differentiate between what we can do and what we should do?...
Jesus Is Passing By: What Are You Waiting For? Authored by Stephanie Olson List Price: $10.98 To Order Click Here Also Available on Kindle at: Jesus Christ came to give sinners salvation, not the perfect. When we take an honest look at ourselves as believers it's easy to see that the Church is riddled with sin. Good news! We can have victory in Jesus Christ! Jesus tells us, "Those who are well have no need of a physician but those who are sick." Jesus came to set the captives free. It's time to be set free. Jesus is passing by! What are you waiting for? ...
Posted by Stephanie Olson on 02/01/2016
Abiding In Him: A Guide to Draw Closer To Christ Authored by Cindy Hultine, Authored by Joy Martin, Authored by Stephanie Olson List Price: $8.98 To Order Click Here Also Available on Kindle at: Abiding in Christ is an essential part of the Christian walk. Jesus tells us that "without Him we can do nothing." But how do we truly abide in Him to have a deep, intimate relationship? Cindy Hultine, Joy Martin, and Stephanie Olson of Set Me Free Ministries share with you practical ways to develop an intimate relationship with Jesus. 5.06" x 7.81" (12.852...
Posted by Stephanie Olson on 02/01/2016
The End of the Story! Best You2022 When we read the Bible, we read it knowing the end of each story. Those living it, the Patriarchs and amazing women, had to live it out not knowing. We too, can't know the outcome of every situation, but we can absolutely get to know the ONE who does! ...
Posted by Stephanie Olson on 04/05/2022