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Jill Swanson

Christian Speaker
Rochester Minnesota 55901

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Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

Contact Information

Position Christian Woman Speaker
Online Social Profiles
Rochester, MN 55901
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
Calvary Evangelical Free Church, Rochester, MN
Relationship to Church
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Speaking Experience
Full Time (over 20 events per year)
Fee Range
Works with Your Budget

More About Jill Swanson

Beauty - Inside and Out!

I have been in the image consulting and speaking business for 30 years, with a goal of helping women accept and embrace the way God made them - "..to do the things He planned for us long ago." The key is to have a balance in your life, and keep God FIRST in your day. In my opening, I do a somewhat believable but humorous before and after on myself within the first 5 minutes of the keynote speech that leaves a strong impression with the unsuspecting audience and sets the stage for the rest of the presentation. My heart is to help women realize the importance of a daily relationship with Jesus by keeping time with Him top priority! My third, and most recent book "Simply Stylish", reflects this idea. I am good "bait" for situations where non-believers are invited, such as mother/daughter banquets, women's day evening out - for fun and spiritual renewal, and keynotes where the audience is women and they want to laugh & improve themselves inside and out. A member of Christian Women In Media, Association of Image Consultants Intl., and the National Speaker's Association, Jill is comfortable, confident and qualified to speak in all venues.

Jill Swanson Recommendations

Submitted by Kewaunee, Wisconsin on Tuesday, Aug 06, 2024

Jenn Krogh, First Place Networking Leader

Jill engaged the audience with her warm and energetic style. She is not only a gifted speaker, but a servant. Jill appealed to a wide variety of people - socially, economically and age wise. I have been asked to have her return to allow women to invite family and friends who missed out.

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Submitted by Associate Pastor on Tuesday, Dec 05, 2023

Larry Orth

I have known Jill Swanson for nearly a decade. She is a godly, energetic, and caring woman. People in our church body and in the broader Christian and non-Christian communities greatly love and highly respect her. In the church, Jill actively teaches and mentors women, helping them to see themselves biblically through the eyes of Christ. She also recently shared with our men on the topic of "How to Raise Daughters." Jill's family and marriage are also models of health and grace, testifying to the others the beauty and fragrance of Jesus Christ. Jill is a joy to know and I recommend her without reservation for any speaking engagements you may have relative to her areas of expertise.

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Submitted by Christ Community Church on Friday, Feb 03, 2023

Jennifer Jensen, Director Of Women's Ministries

Jill was alive with energy and was able to enrich and uplift the women who came to our Women's Ministry conference. She has been given the remarkable talent of taking her message and making it educational, fun and relevant to each person. Comment after comment I received was about how Jill's words "deeply affected" them, how they were "going to make a change at home" or "it felt like she was speaking directly to me." Jill is a joy to work with.

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Jill Swanson Speaking Topics


Go from a “before” to an “after” inside and out. Discover the tips and techniques that can make you look younger, thinner and better on a daily basis and then...


Simplify your life and radiate real beauty from the inside out.This presentation combines a woman’s natural desire to look her best with proven tips and techniques to simplify...


“When Momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!” Our mood sets the tone for the rest of the family, and some days we can all use a little “attitude makeover.”...

Relationships & Reality

How does your God-given personality impact your life and relationships? Each person is gifted with unique traits that drive us and effect our communication with others. Learn to understand...

Change Through Challenge

Life is just one hard thing after another. Walking with God daily in the midst of adversity can be an ongoing challenge.  Jill shares her story of being born with a birth defect...


 Learn to make the most of what you’ve got, do it effortlessly, every day and forget about it! Let Jill Swanson, Author of “Simply Beautiful – Inside and Out,”...

Jill Swanson Events

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Jill Swanson Resources

Simply Stylish -- Look Great Spend Less

Look great, spend less, and work on who you are both inside and out!  America’s inspirational image consultant is giving you her  professional tricks and fashion tips to help you look Simply Stylish .  Discover: The “OOH” Wardrobe Game ChangerHow to Shop and Get the Best Deals Anywhere Style Advice for Every Body TypeYour Best Colors for Clothes and Makeup100 Tips to Downsize Your Closet and Upscale Your StyleThe Top 10 ‘What to Wear’ and ‘What NOT to Wear’The Best Clothing Brands for Your Style10 Tips to Look 10 Pounds Thinner and 10...

Posted by Jill Swanson on 12/06/2018

Out the Door in 15 Minutes

Look great and do it in less time - so you can spend more time doing what's important in life! A beauty and time management book specifically designed to help women get out the door in 15 minutes in 4 simple steps that will transform your life: Evaluate, eliminate, anticipate and accentuate. Discover how to renovate your closet,  learn the secret to easy accessorizing, discover your signature colors and style, master makeup in minutes and create a grab-and-go wardrobe that works!  Jill's personal story in shared in the last chapter of the book and emphasizes the importance...

Posted by Jill Swanson on 12/06/2018

Simply Beautiful Inside and Out

Simplify your wardrobe & life! Practical, fun-to-read and colorfully illustrated resource for any woman who wants easy options to looking great. Simply Beautiful takes a no-nonsense approach to fashion and helps readers optimally balance inner and outer beauty. Learn to dress to flatter your figure, use color effectively, organize the closet, find the right hairstyle and reflect your personality. Jill's book includes the importance of knowing Christ and living a life that reflects real beauty - inside and out! ...

Posted by Jill Swanson on 12/06/2018