My second marriage promised to be a forever love story. Ten months later, my husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He died. It felt as though I had died and was buried...
Posted by Muriel Gladney on 11/09/2018
As a breast cancer conqueror, this teaching is woven together with cancer journey testimony and an exploration of Philippians 4. This message applies to any life trial or cancer...
Posted by Tammy Sinclair on 11/07/2018
When my husband took his last breath, it felt as though my hope, love, and joy, also dissipated into thin air like a whiff of smoke. Although I was alive and breathing, time seemed...
Posted by Muriel Gladney on 08/24/2018
“Finding joy in the midst of turbulent times is not always easy. When you get disappointing news, how do you turn tragedy to triumph? How do you make the bitter sweet? How do...
Posted by Sandra Jolla on 03/26/2018
Jeannine was diagnosed with stage 3 non-hodgkins lymphomia on February 14, 2015 (yes, Valentine's Day!) and shares about her journey through cancer and what she learned while...
Posted by Jeannine Moffitt on 07/30/2017
Based on Psalm 143, Michelle shares the very personal story of her family's walk through the diagnosis of her husband's twin and her husband losing them both to cancer in...
Posted by Michelle Nietert on 04/11/2017
Face your future without fear by learning how to program your heart, mind and spirit for victory not defeat....
Jana testifies that God gives us what we need to go through an unexpected challenge or hardship. "I know the Plans I have for you,declare the Lord, plans to prosper...
Posted by Jana Flaig on 08/22/2016
Practical tips to knock out fear that overwhelms you, robs you of hope, attacks your faith, and threatens to defeat you....
Jana's story of surviving cancer using humor, a positive attitude and faith, inspires and encourages others who face difficult circumstances to never give up! She believes that "a...
Posted by Jana Flaig on 08/22/2016
A little girl, face deformed by cancer, falls in love with the ugliest doll as we learn that through the eyes of love, even the ugliest can be beautiful. This visual presentation...
Posted by Sharon Lawlor on 07/15/2016
Most of us do not know that Satan erupts our life with trauma in order to have us become victims of our own circumstances. What we fail to realize is that our trauma is custom made...
Posted by Lynnette Appling, MSHRM, PHR on 12/28/2015