Christian Speaker
Sacramento California
Wear your "good clothes" everyday, and order dessert whenever you want.
Position | Christian Woman Speaker |
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Sacramento, CA
AUTHOR, SPEAKER, INSPIRATIONAL HUMORIST, ACTRESS, OVARIAN CANCER SURVIVOR who brings encouragement wrapped in humor; and inspires others to live fearlessly and find the courage for the next step. Jana uplifts and delights her audiences with storytelling, comedy, demonstration and inventive visuals and props that create a fun, upbeat and memorable program.
As your keynote speaker, Jana works together with you to inspire and motivate your group by providing practical tips to knock out fear that overwhelms us, robs us of hope, attacks our faith, and threatens to defeat us.
Jana’s motivational message “Pearls of Wisdom Every Woman Should Know and I Don’t Need Anymore” illustrates Biblical truths that enable us to choose FAITH over FEAR.
Author--Fight Fear and Foster Faith: Gain the Hope & Courage You Need to Overcome Difficult Circumstances (
Member--Christian Comedy Association (CCA)
DVD-- who put the elephant in my stocking?
Actress--Nail 32 (JC, DiVine Appointment (BMC Productions)
Unit Production Manager--JC Films/BMC Productions movie DiVINE Appointment.
Member--Advanced Writers & Speakers Association (AWSA).
Founder of the Been There - Got The Wig!® Breakfast Club & Ministry, a faith-based, upbeat support network for women with any type of cancer. She tells her story of surviving cancer using humor, a positive attitude and faith, that inspires and encourages others who face any difficult circumstance to never give up.
Former TV News On-Air Reporter in Los Angeles; College Professor of Broadcasting Arts and Speech Communication.
Submitted by Radio Personality, KFWB-Los Angeles, KMLE-Phoenix on Friday, Sep 20, 2024
Jana truly is an entertainer, communicator, comedian, and motivator.
On Topic
Submitted by Comedian, HBO's Comedy Central on Wednesday, Nov 08, 2023
Jana's hilarious material, timing, and speaking skills were parlayed into an unforgettable half-hour that had the audience rolling in the aisles.
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Submitted by Bear Creek Community Church on Monday, May 15, 2023
"Jana will provide you with a humorous, engaging and challenging message to encourage you to reach your maximum potential for God. She will move you from laughter to tears and inspire you to refocus your life in order to make a difference in your marriage, family, church and career. I can wholeheartedly endorse Jana to you for your next event."
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Submitted by NY Times Best Selling Author Of Shattered Dreams: My Life As A Polygamist's Wife on Friday, Jan 06, 2023
Jana's amazing gift of comedy sets her apart as a cancer survivor. Her unwavering faith and power to laugh, even in the bleakest hours, reveals a strong determined woman who inspires and gives hope to others. I applaud her transparency and wit that carried her through the toughest of times. She will tickle your soul and warm your heart.
On Topic
Practical tips to knock out fear that overwhelms you, robs you of hope, attacks your faith, and threatens to defeat you....
Face your future without fear by learning how to program your heart, mind and spirit for victory not defeat....
Jana testifies that God gives us what we need to go through an unexpected challenge or hardship. "I know the Plans I have for you,declare the Lord, plans to prosper...
Posted by Jana Flaig on 08/22/2016
Jana's story of surviving cancer using humor, a positive attitude and faith, inspires and encourages others who face difficult circumstances to never give up! She believes that "a...
Posted by Jana Flaig on 08/22/2016
Through faith as we persevere under trials, God transforms our struggles and pain into something beautiful. He is making us into His "pearls of great price."...