What happens when you get discouraged? Who wipes away your tears? Who understands your emotions good or bad?Beginning with the story of Eve, and ending with the promises of Revelation...
Posted by Linda Penick on 05/02/2017
Invite Joanna to Speak at Your Church: "Called by Name: A Look at the Value of Life"Are you seeking a message that brings comfort and clarity to the value of life? Join us...
Women have carried and dragged the chains of the SuperGal Syndrome for far too long. We’ve strived to achieve, to find approval, struggled...
Jesus told us that in this world we would have trouble, and we all can testify to that. The world starts conforming us into its pattern from the moment we are born. But God transforms...
Posted by Ann Jorgensen on 04/18/2017
John 10:10b tells us that Jesus said: I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. What is the full life? Does it have anything to do with our calendars? God’s...
Posted by Carolynn Scully on 04/10/2016
Listen to Brandy share her testimony of how she survived an abusive relationship and how the Lord has restored her heart, soul, and mind. From struggling with feelings...
Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 02/23/2016
Life comes at us full-throttle! It's so easy to allow it to overwhelm us and settle for what is comfortable. After all, isn't that the American Dream? But God...
Posted by Kristi Huseby on 02/01/2016
B.U.S.Y? Learn the Best Unique Strategies for You! Enjoy the beautiful, balanced, abundant life God offers. Learn why your life often feels imbalanced, how to analyze and reset it...
Posted by Marnie Swedberg on 01/31/2016
From my own sense of worthlessness being married to an alcoholic and the emotional trauma that it brought, I discovered Jesus and his overwhelming love. I discovered the princess...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 01/30/2016
Ever feel like you just can’t be who God wants you to be? The Bible is clear: if you are still breathing, God has a plan for your life “to bear much fruit” (John 15:8). Abundant...
Posted by Cheri Strange on 01/07/2016
Having survived fires, floods, a tornado, sinking boat, burglary, lightning strike, cancer in the family, sudden death in the family, head injury in the family, business set backs...
Based on John 10:10 this message talks about how much God loves and treasures His creation in that Christ came so that we might experience abundant life, here and now, on earth. Filled...
Posted by Shelly Brown on 10/29/2015