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Posted by: Joanna Fruhauf on 04/25/2017

Called by Name: Life Valued

Invite Joanna to Speak at Your Church: "Called by Name: A Look at the Value of Life"

Are you seeking a message that brings comfort and clarity to the value of life? Join us for a powerful session with Joanna as she explores the profound truth that our lives matter deeply to God and to those around us.

In this heartfelt talk, Joanna will emphasize the comfort of being known and loved, even in our best and worst moments. We’ll dive into Scripture to uncover the intrinsic value God places on each of us and the unique plans and purposes He has ordained for our lives.

Joanna will remind us that Jesus died as a ransom for many, inviting us to experience abundant life. We’ll explore how understanding our worth comes from God’s Word and how this understanding shapes our interactions with others.

This discussion will also provide a safe space to address important and sometimes challenging topics such as suicide, assisted suicide, abortion, and self-harm, fostering a conversation around healing and hope.

Join us as we seek renewal and embrace the newness of His resurrection power, becoming agents of change who impact our circles of influence for eternity.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be encouraged and inspired! Connect with Joanna to bring this vital message to your church’s next women’s event and help foster a deeper understanding of the value of life.



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