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Posted by: Lori Hynson on 04/25/2017

Healing the SuperGal Syndrome – Do You Want to Get Well?

            Women have carried and dragged the chains of the SuperGal Syndrome for far too long. We’ve strived to achieve, to find approval, struggled to survive our circumstances. We’ve lived in the bondage of self-reliance, attempting to find perfection.

            We’ve given a name to our weariness, our disappointment. The SuperGal Syndrome. We’ve seen the harm it has caused us and those around us. How can we find healing?

            My question is: Do we want to be healed? Are we afraid to face the truth—that being the world’s vision of an admirable woman isn’t all it’s cracked up to be? Are we ready to admit that God sees our baggage as sin? Is change uncomfortable?

            God won’t respond to our self-pity without our desire born of our faith, followed by our action.

            Receive God’s prescription for healing; His prescription for an abundant life. Learn what He means when He tells us to “Just S.T.O.P,” and start down the road to peace and joy—the road to SuperGal Recovery!

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