As redeemed people by Christ's sacrifice for us, we have the responsibility to take reasonable care of our bodies to serve Him and others more effectively. Find refreshment...
Posted by Charlaine Martin on 04/16/2019
How can we focus on God in the midst of a busy, and at times chaotic, lifestyle? That's where "breath prayer" comes in!Prayer is as easy as taking a breath! It's...
Explore the different choices and outcomes experienced by an everyday mom compared to a priest. Discover how to make the hard choices to reap the rewards of godly parenting. ======In...
Have you always wanted to start a blog? Are you already a blogger, but the only clicks on your writing are your Aunt Edna and her two co workers?MK shares the inside secrets of growing...
Posted by Mary Katherine Backstrom on 03/14/2019
The trenches of new parenthood can be rough. Mary Katherine has been there. From the changes in your body to the struggles of postpartum depression, women can often feel lost in their...
Posted by Mary Katherine Backstrom on 03/14/2019
Everyone has a story only she can tell. Future generations deserve to know your family history. Kelly shows that it can be as easy as chatting with a friend.----------When asked to...
An open look at how our culture is affecting our Biblical Perspective....
Posted by Suzie Umbel on 01/15/2019
1 Timothy 1:19 warns against having our faith shipwrecked. How can we keep that from happening even when life is hard and challenges our faith. Learn ways to grow and protect your...
Posted by Shelly Templin on 12/18/2018
Each morning, the dawn of the new day holds the promise of a royal rendezvous for us. Why? Because our Father is The King of Kings. We are The Lord's princesses.We all want to...
Too often you and I find ourselves worrying. Over-analyzing. Agonizing over mental dramas we have played out in our minds. Before long, we can end up doubting the fundamentals of our...
Posted by Cheri Strange on 12/10/2018
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one...
Posted by Mamie Jones on 11/29/2018
Women Who Rock Their World - Audiences say, "Rhonda's honest, genuine and passionately brought to life women in Scripture, in history and in present day examples....