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Posted by: Leah Fort on 12/11/2018

Your Royal Rendezvous: Awake from Your Slumber, Arise from Defeat, Acquire Your Place at the Throne of Grace

Each morning, the dawn of the new day holds the promise of a royal rendezvous for us. Why? Because our Father is The King of Kings. We are The Lord's princesses.

We all want to know the reason we are here. We want to fully grasp God's purpose for our lives and fulfill that purpose. We want to follow the path the Lord has laid out before us, to achieve our God-ordained potential. This desire for achieving a rich, well-lived life, can be thwarted when we allow past experiences to invade our today, steal our attention, rule our thoughts, divert our focus, and undermine our value. 

Your Royal Rendezvous explores knowing God more intimately by understanding ourselves and our identity in Him, through Jesus Christ. We move through the process of removing the rhinestones of our counterfeit character and replacing them with the genuine jewels of our unique identity in Christ. As we dismantle the concealed issues inhibiting our personal success, we replace them with the crowning truths that will open our spirit to God's Holy Spirit, allow His light to glisten through us and illuminate our path, and create the sparkling connection to everyday life. 

Your Royal Rendezvous calls us to Wake Up, Rise Up, Step Out of Your Chains and Into Your Purpose

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