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Posted by: Mamie Jones on 11/29/2018

I Fought a Good Fight

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 

Wherefore comfort one another with these words. 1thess 4:17-18

I am hear to encourage you today

With theses words

And my encouragement is ‘this

When you understand what you are fighting 

It up your odds to win

It brings you into a state of understand ing  what i need to do to win

It gives me incentive. To seek.  Out my help and strength

My encouragement to you is this

You cannot scare God with your mess

My encouragement to you is this

Where we are trying to go. Our God has already been

My encouragement to you this day is

What IAM am seeking.    Is already down within me

But life. Things.  Situations.  

Have grounded the glory that resides within

But i am here to tell you it is there

Waiting to be stirred.   By your praise

Waiting to be marinated.  By by your worship

It is there seeking to flow. Like rivers of living water

It is there waiting to come up to be pour out. Like a libation back to the father

And we can have this testimony. I have fought a good fight!

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