When people think of health or wellness they tend to think of only physical health. What is your weight? Your cholesterol? Do you walk enough? Overall wellness goes beyond just the...
Posted by Regina Bartlett on 03/01/2023
What's a HOLY ACHE? Find the WHY that makes you cry and the THING that makes you SING during this INTERACTIVE message that will unearth your PURPOSE amid life's ashes. Linette...
Most people are willing to settle for familiarity in marriage, when they could have intimacy instead. This message, taught by Lauren and her husband Seth, is designed to...
Yes, YOU can embrace the joy of the Lord in the midst of anxiety. It can be difficult because God’s joy doesn’t necessarily look like candy and roses all the time, does...
Life SolutionsBiblical and practical solutions for life’s most common problems like fear, anxiety, anger, forgiveness and communication. Giving you a foundation of how habits...
Posted by Tamberlyn Brown on 01/31/2023
Do you feel overwhelmed? Maybe it feels like challenges are coming from all different sides. Let Tiffany speak into your hard season with this teaching from James 1:2-4. You will walk...
Are you ready to follow Christ with the fire of the Holy Spirit? Kate shares real life stories of being guided by God and humbly obeying, taking her and others on a fierce path...
Telling our stories can feel deeply personal and even downright scary. The thought of reliving any painful or traumatic experiences can be emotionally taxing, to say nothing of exposing...
Posted by Anna Moore Bradfield on 12/19/2022
Ever have the impulse to invest the gospel in younger believers, yet have no idea where to begin? What if you could learn the relational "back pocket basics"...
Posted by Kim Aldrich on 12/17/2022
The weighty work of making disciples becomes a much more “easy yoke” process once we realize that King Jesus Himself is the...
Posted by Kim Aldrich on 12/17/2022
What if making disciples was simply a matter of becoming more intentional about the friendships you already have - and turning good conversations into God conversations?=====Even...
Excerpt from my message at Glen Rose;C.S Lewis said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.”So, when we start having the attitude...
Posted by Jeannie Kirkpatrick on 12/15/2022