Are your people feeling guilty and overwhelmed? Invite Elizabeth to deliver this dynamic presentation on organizing with confidence! She gives people the tools to reclaim control of...
Right now is an exciting time and a time for hope. This is your time to create the life of your dreams! This presentation is ideal for organizations like yours who want their people...
This 90 minute presentation works in both business and faith-based genre's. Your attendees, both men and women, will walk away inspired to Assess their busy-ness, Be Still, Count...
This engaging presentation explores the timeless question: What is true beauty, and how do we embrace it in a way that honors God? In Bring Beauty Back, I guide women through...
What do top achievers do differently from the average JoAnn? A lot! During this presentation you'll learn the A, B, C's of the super-busy and how to maximize your minutes....
Who of us hasn’t been plagued by the past and anxious about the future? In this thought-stirring presentation, Esther uses five unforgettable words to unleash fear and insecurities...
"A presentation that stirs deep desire for more of God. Through various passages of scripture, Stephanie shares God's desire for relationship, but in that relationship a willingness...
Life is hard and we all have one. This presentation digs into the possiblities that God has for this gift we call life. You will be inspired to really live for Christ and embark on...
All of the above presentations are power packed with the Word of God along with skits, and science and songs. Many characters are used to do the drama for a fun filled time of growing....