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Posted by: Carla Gasser on 10/29/2015


This engaging presentation explores the timeless question: What is true beauty, and how do we embrace it in a way that honors God? In Bring Beauty Back, I guide women through a transformational journey to rediscover the biblical and balanced view of beauty that includes both inner and outer aspects.

Through a thought-provoking keynote, immersive workshop, or day-long conference, we’ll examine how the world has distorted beauty into a superficial ideal, how the church has often over-spiritualized it, and how God’s design integrates both inner and outer beauty in harmony. I emphasize that beauty is not an “either/or” choice but a “both/and” gift to be celebrated as part of who God created us to be.

For an interactive twist, as a certified Christian Image Consultant, I include practical and fun sessions about outer beauty. Women will learn principles of color analysis, accessorizing, and how to create stylish, coordinated outfits while embracing a “less is more” philosophy. These activities not only enhance confidence but also remind women that honoring God with our appearance is a reflection of His creativity and design.

Check out my one sheet in the RESOURCES for more options!

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