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Posted by: Elizabeth Hagen on 10/29/2015

Organize With Confidence

Are your people feeling guilty and overwhelmed? Invite Elizabeth to deliver this dynamic presentation on organizing with confidence! She gives people the tools to reclaim control of their personal and professional lives—instantly. 

This presentation is ideal for organizations that want to teach their people how to take action and get more done in less time. 

Elizabeth not only teaches easy-to-use techniques in a fun way, she motivates you to take action. You will leave her presentation inspired with a new sense of purpose and confidence. Things get better. Life gets easier. Positive results happen, both on and off the job. 

•Empower yourself to dream big 

•Take charge and get control of your day 

•Establish organizing systems that work 

•Learn the START™ Method to get organized 

•Prioritize your day in seconds 

•Discover the ’7 Steps to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed’ 

•Set goals and achieve them 

•Be confident in every area of your life 

•Learn the 5f Plan™ to conquer your paper piles once and for all 

•Feel fantastic, be more focused, and more organized 

•Create an extraordinary life! 

You leave with a fresh perspective supported by a specific, personalized action plan to realize your value, see your self-worth, and live and work in an organized environment one step at a time.

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