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Posted by: Elizabeth Hagen on 10/29/2015

Now Is Your Time: The Steps to be Fearless and Extraordinary!

Right now is an exciting time and a time for hope. This is your time to create the life of your dreams! This presentation is ideal for organizations like yours who want their people to step up to the plate and make something great happen in their life and work.

Elizabeth’s keynote presentation Now is Your Time: The Steps to be Fearless and Extraordinary! will enable your people to: 

•Ignite their confidence 

•Reveal their value 

•Discover their purpose in life 

Your members will learn why it’s so important to: 

•Surround yourself with supportive people 

•Be supportive of others 

•Enjoy the small moments

•Know that you can do whatever you dream in life 

•Shed your old rules and make up great new rules! 

•Put yourself first 

Now more than ever we need to hear a message of hope and renewal. This is exactly what Elizabeth’s keynote message delivers PLUS action steps so that your members will do what they need to do…immediately! 

Life’s circumstances can rob you of your confidence and self esteem. I know, I’ve faced situations where I did not know that I would survive. Confidence was not something I felt. I invite you to sit with me for this workshop and learn the key to revealing your value, igniting your confidence, and discovering your purpose in life.

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