God's plan for our life rarely makes sense when we first set out on our journey with Him. There are many un-foreseen twists, detours and turns that make us feel like we need to...
Posted by Shana Strange on 04/16/2018
What key uniqueness do you bring to your life, business and/or ministry?A woman who knows herself is able to give of herself to others. She is able to view herself through the...
Posted by Kimberly Hooper on 04/09/2018
In this highly interactive presentation, unlock a significant new layer in your conversations with God! This is for women, men, teenagers—a great opportunity to explore...
Posted by Lisa Jamieson on 03/15/2018
Sometimes the pace of life leaves us the feeling like we’re spinning out of control. Children have us going in multiple directions. Households require managing. Careers...
Posted by Lisa Jamieson on 03/15/2018
Churches across the board are searching for ways to stop the "leak" of our next generation leaving church after high school. Yet no new programs or special ministries seem...
Posted by Jill Richardson on 10/24/2017
How God speaks to us today. Poignant true-life stories. Having a relationship with God is His greatest desire for us. Three key areas of conversing with God. Down-to-earth solutions...
Posted by Chris Manion on 10/13/2017
Reciprocity in friendship is the glue that makes each gal feel valued and safe instead of vulnerable and used. During this session, you'll discover how to move from mediocre relationships...
Do you feel crowned by God's grace in your daily life? Are you living on purpose or just getting through? Ever wondered why on earth you are here? Come! Let's figure it out...
Empowered, Resilient and Uniquely YOU! inspires women with real talk and shares wisdom nuggets that teach how to become resilient gems. Your life purpose has been intentionally tailored...
Posted by Cheryl Hurley on 09/27/2017
"What if I told you God has a plan for your life––yes YOUR life?" asks Rhonda Stoppe. "What if you could know that plan and learn to walk in it? That...
On Healing: People crave to be happy and free. I see this everyday in my work. Yet God isn’t simply about fixing people or problems. He desires first to heal fractures in...
Posted by Janet Tatum on 08/29/2017
TARGET AUDIENCE: Women Ages: teens, young adults, mature womenRoles: Singles, Married, and Divorced(Can be catered to a targeted audience)POSSIBLE FORMATS: Workshops, seminars,...
Posted by Lisa Cassman on 08/29/2017