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Posted by: Shana Strange on 04/16/2018

Providence: Embrace Your Beautiful Destiny

God's plan for our life rarely makes sense when we first set out on our journey with Him. There are many un-foreseen twists, detours and turns that make us feel like we need to take matters into our own hands. In this message, Shana shares her journey of stepping out as a fledgling christian recording artist and worship leader. At the pinnacle of success and  signing a record deal, Shana thought she had achieved success, only for God to shut doors and the record label dropped her. 

Through that season God taught her the meaning of worship and the truth about providence. He re-birthed music and words in the most difficult of times. The timeless lessons she learned about destiny and God's leadership are the powerful truth shared in this message.

This message can be given as a keynote or expanded upon in multiple sessions for a retreat. The principles are from Shana's soon to be released book entitled Providence: God's Beautiful Plan for Your Life. 

Through the book & sessions, you will:

    • Learn to see and celebrate the beauty of God's plan for your life, right where you are
    • Uncover your unique and beautiful destiny by growing in understanding about the dreams God put inside of you
    • Learn how to rest in God as you wait on His purposes to be fulfilled in your life
    • Dig into the scriptures and life of Joseph to encourage you to keep trusting   and moving in faith
    • Re-awaken the dream buried deep inside your heart, even if it's been months or years since it burned within you!  

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