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Posted by: Kimberly Hooper on 04/09/2018

Pursue Your Uniqueness

What key uniqueness do you bring to your life, business and/or ministry?

A woman who knows herself is able to give of herself to others.  She is able to view herself through the lens of the spirit and believe that when God said, “It is good” He meant it.  She looks in the mirror of God’s love reminding her of the beauty she possesses and understands and pursues her significance as a child of God.

As women celebrate their uniqueness, they are able to take the mask off, understand their own …and other's strengths and weaknesses.

When we see ourselves from God’s perspective, we are able to be confident in who we are and see the good in other women to encourage them in their successes. This view brings healing between women, minimizes comparison and competition as they bond together in a spirit of unity to accomplish God's purposes together. It is God's tapestry on display! 

2 Corinthians 5:16 - So we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view. At one time we thought of Christ merely from a human point of view. How differently we know him now!

What you believe in your heart will determine how you view yourself and how you present yourself to others. 

Proverbs 23:7 states that “For as she thinks in her heart, so is she” (adapted from the AMP)

We can walk with radiant confidence and unshakable security.  It is your time for wholeness, healing and embracing the things that God has called you to do.  Like anything of great worth it does not happen overnight but living your life according to God’s plan does happen over a lifetime when you allow Him to organize your life and ministry according to the beautiful and unique woman that He has designed you to be.

Session Topics Include:

  • How to live life with a sense of destiny
  • Building your life with healthy self-concepts
  • Optimizing your Passions, Experiences, Gifts, and Strengths

Are you ready?

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