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Janet Tatum

Christian Speaker
Tampa Bay Florida 34684

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I spent more time running away from God with my broken places than toward Him.

I spent more time running away from God with my broken places than toward Him.

Contact Information

Position Christian Woman Speaker
Online Social Profiles
Tampa Bay, FL 34684
United States of America

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New Song Church
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More About Janet Tatum

"I was recently asked the question, 'What do you mean by trusting God with our pain?' This is what I explained ...

Trusting God with my pain has special meaning to me because, like many believers, I spent more time running away from God with my broken places than toward Him. As time went on, roots of bitterness, judgment and unforgiveness only buried deeper into my heart. For me to be restored, I needed God (not me) to sanctify and wash clean the experiences from my heart. I also desperately needed my Father to validate that what happened to me was wrong and not His will. He assured me I no longer needed to pay for someone else's sin through silence, denial or reframing the truth, which I believed made me a 'good' Christian. 

It was always God’s plan to restore our relationships, both with Him and each other. When wholeness is restored to our heart, we become who God created us to be." 

Janet has been counseling, teaching and training for more than 14 years. Specializing in healing relational harm, her heart is to restore broken hearts and reconcile relationships. Always God centered, her counsel is clean, straight forward and highly effective.


"The genius in Janet is that she allows God to gently open up doors in our soul that we have locked down". A.V., Client

"I remember when you shared with me that God’s healing isn’t about making something broken ‘good enough’ to work, but about freeing us from it’s power so it no longer rules us. I've carried that all along, those words are imbedded in my heart. I love you my friend and I hope you can see how far the Lord has brought me in my calling." D.P., Client 

"Janet has a tender heart for the wounded. She has counseled many broken hearts over her years as a licensed minister and healing and trauma specialist. Anyone who has endured heartache (who hasn't) can benefit from her teaching and healing work. Warmth exudes from her and her intution is a gift. Can you tell we love her?" For The Girls Int. founder Tracey Metzger

"I really liked when you said 'Yes, Jesus completed the work at the Cross but there’s reasons we aren’t able to appropriate this completed work in our flesh.' Thank you so much for your faithfulness Janet to teach this over and over and over.  J.S. Class Attendee

SPEAKING TOPICS (from my forthcoming book 'Going On With God')

On Healing: People crave to be happy and free. I see this everyday in my work. Yet God isn’t simply about fixing people or problems. He desires first to heal fractures in the heart that block the fullness of Him because wounds make us people we are not. This is what God refers to as restoration; i.e., the return of a you that existed before the inevitable fractures of life. The Cross is the key to healing the human heart. It’s the miracle we pray for but don’t know how to appropriate.

On Spiritual Exhaustion: We exhaust ourselves working to be better, achieving temporary success, falling back into our old ways, then starting all over again. This performance-driven love style is so ingrained in our human culture, including our religious experience, that we believe that’s what God expects. 

On The Cross: Allowing God to call us to the Cross for a meeting is what inner healing is all about. Yet it can be a slow process educating the believer of the need for this, as we would rather be performing christian duty than meeting with our Father. 

On Restoration: Our ability to ‘believe’ can only be as solid as our hearts are pure. Since no ones heart is pure, inner healing is necessary for every believer. The ongoing practice of repentance, confession and forgiveness are key. 

On Spiritual Gifts: The Lord had to bust open my treasure chest with His sword, the place where His gifting and uniqueness lie within me. My treasures sometimes are afraid to be seen for fear of displacement within the church; my spiritual family. You see, these are familiar wounds that began in childhood when it was not ok to grow into me instead of what my father saw for me. Strong voiced, opinionated, burden-bearer, truth seeker and truth speaker; I was actually just like my father.

Wholeness vs Holiness: Healing of the human heart moves faith-based people from a cognitive understanding of God to the experience of Him as their Father. We can’t fulfill our destiny until we’re restored to who we are; yet the striving never ends. This model of healing is about sanctification of the inner heart, it is not about how to change yourself.

Janet Tatum Recommendations

Submitted by Mother And Entrepreneur on Tuesday, Sep 24, 2024

Heidi Sandorf

The wisdom Holy Ghost imparts to Janet can only be described as miraculous. Christ uses her to touch us in places we never knew existed, facilitating healing on the deepest levels of our soul. Once the chains of the enemy are broken, we can truly begin to walk in a new way with God.

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Janet Tatum Speaking Topics

We Crave To Be Happy and Free

On Healing: People crave to be happy and free. I see this everyday in my work. Yet God isn’t simply about fixing people or problems. He desires first to heal fractures in...

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