Don’t let your God-given potential sleepwalk through Mr. Sandman’s wasteland. Discover how to defy morning dread, harness renewed hope, and ignite a calling that awakens...
Addiction shows up in all classes of people: rich, poor, white collar, blue collar, or no collar. Addiction seeps into our lives without warning. The pain of knowing our prodigal is...
Posted by Sheila Llewellyn on 11/01/2024
Are you in touch with who you are beyond titles and labels? Many struggle with this question. This engaging topic explores the true identity and knowing yourself beyond societal expectations.****I...
A Christmas story about "The Babe the Son of Mary." We will look at the birth of the Christ from the perspectives of Mary, the angels, and shepherds. This is a powerful reminder...
We can be comforted in knowing we are His, yet it can be challenging to understand our purpose in the world where the world is the one that is often pulling us in countless directions....
Posted by Kendra Q. Dodd on 10/13/2024
Discover the life-changing power of peace in Donna's inspiring talk based on Philippians 4. Learn how peace is not an emotion or fleeting thought but a way of living anchored by...
Posted by Donna Amidon on 10/12/2024
When my youngest daughter took physics in high school, on the first day of class she raised her hand and asked, "What is physics?" What an obvious and brilliant question!...
As a Christian, we are called, “the bride of Christ”! But did you know we are also bridesmaids? In this retreat we’ll explore the role of a servant bridesmaid. The...
Posted by Tracy Axcell on 09/23/2024
No matter how powerful, successful or accomplished we may be, we can all fall victim to doubt, hopelessness, fear, anxiety and even despair. Yet, we can be overcomes, pressing on to...
Posted by Robbie Gring on 09/10/2024
“Let’s talk about what you don’t talk about” is one of the most engaging topics Robbie can share. Group interaction encourages comments, instigates meaningful...
What is faith? How do I put faith into action? These questions are crucial in our lives as believers. In this exploration, you will uncover the practical foundations for nurturing...
Posted by Rhonda Martin on 09/04/2024
The journey of raising my son with high functioning autism has been one of the most glorious experiences of my life! It was a fight, though. Though there were tears, heartache...
Posted by Mindy Glaser on 09/03/2024