Addiction shows up in all classes of people: rich, poor, white collar, blue collar, or no collar. Addiction seeps into our lives without warning. The pain of knowing our prodigal is walking the journey of addiction can be all-consuming. You will discover strategies to help you trust as God's Word guides you through loving your addicted prodigals.
Addiction is not a discriminating evil.
Together we will learn what God has to say about going on with life in celebration when our loved one returns to God's fold. We will also learn what God says about when our prodigal has not been able to give up the addiction. God's one question through all of it is, "Do you love Me?"
This topic is designed for families and friends of loved ones with addictions. In addition to conference and church events, organizations such as rehab facilities, support groups, and community meetings will benefit.
Typically, a one-hour presentation, but can increase to two hours to include data for conferences that are more aligned to the facts of addiction as well as the spiritual. PowerPoint for data conferences