The journey of raising my son with high functioning autism has been one of the most glorious experiences of my life! It was a fight, though. Though there were tears, heartache and so much judgement from those who don't understand our children or our plight, I found it's a gift and that I grew in my faith and relationship with the Lord. I learned how to hear His voice and hold on to the Word of God over the diagnosis, the doctor's and teacher's opinions, and insensitive comments that other ministers, friends and even family members spoke over my child. I know the loneliness, isolation and pain we go through as mothers and that daunting question we all ask, "Who is going to love my child when I'm not around?" You may be wondering, how in the world is any of that hopeful? Well I'm here to tell you there is a big testimony in who my son has become and how he turned a corner in college through prayer and loving Believers who befriended him. Where I was told things like, "I would be lucky if he graduated high school, he will never drive, he'll never know how to socialize, he won't be able to live on his own..." all those statements proved to be false! My son earned a bachelor's degree and was hired at a very upstanding worldwide Christian organization without them realizing he had autism. He is happy, social and flourishing. And even if he wasn't -- HE IS MY CHILD! Don't every give up on your baby!