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Posted by: Darci Steiner on 10/18/2024

What Child is This?

A Christmas story about "The Babe the Son of Mary." We will look at the birth of the Christ from the perspectives of Mary, the angels, and shepherds. This is a powerful reminder of whom the Christ Child is and what his birth means for you and me. This message will fill your guests with joy, love, and hope during this Christmas season! Appropriate for Christmas brunch, lunch, tea, dinner, party, retreat, or any event. Length can vary for your needs. 

  • Mary asked only one question ("How will I get pregnant?") when the angel Gabriel told her she would carry in her womb the Son of the Most High God. Her trust in God was so deep she didn't ask, "Well, what about Joseph?", "What will my parents think of me?", "How come I don't get to name my child?", or "What have I done that was favorable in God's sight?" Instead she simply said, "I am the Lord's servant. May it be to me as you have said." Wow! Your guests will leave your event inspired by Mary's refrain from asking questions!
  • Gabriel must have had a sweet time delivering this message from God to Mary. It was finally time! And he was the messenger! Jesus would leave heaven and enter Mary's womb to grow as a human being and be birthed in a manger. Angels were involved in the life of Jesus in many ways. Your guests will walk away with a new understanding of the various kinds of angels and their roles. 
  • Shepherds who attended to the animals in the manger had a unique invitation. Jesus had a special place in his heart for shepherds. You will walk away in amazement at the upside-downness of the Gospel. Jesus the King was welcomed into the world in a less than ideal way, and yet it was what God had planned. Things aren't always what they seem. When you ask, "What Child is This?" you must wear spiritual glasses if you are to have any understanding of this Christ-child. We will put on spiritual glasses together!

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