In a world filled with conflict and division, how can we, as believers, truly embody the peace of Christ? "As Far as It Depends on You: Living at Peace with Everyone" is...
I have a plethora of topics I’ve spoken on throughout my career and am happy to share on just about anything. I'm always thrilled to share personal & MIRACULOUS healing...
What do you hope to leave behind? Some people want to leave wealth, or property, or leave the world a better place. Stephanie believes that as believers in Christ, there is a responsibility...
Posted by Stephanie Winslow on 08/15/2024
As women leaders we are, by nature, built to take on quite a bit, however, we can't do it all! How as leaders can we differentiate between what we can do and what we should do?...
Let's be real! I am more concerned with helping your heart heal, than how your flesh feels!Galatians 5:22-26 GNTD[22] But the Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,...
Posted by Ann Medina on 08/12/2024
Dr. Pat Barrington, a bestselling author and sought-after speaker, shares her inspiring journey through profound loss to a place of peace and purpose in From Grief to God’s Glory:...
Posted by Pat Barrington on 07/30/2024
Session 1: “Refresh Your Perspective: Changing Your Outlook”Romans 12:2 (ESV)“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that...
While working in hospice, I once introduced myself to a fantastic woman in her nineties. I asked a conversation starter question that was phrased something like, "tell me...
Posted by Emily Hill on 07/23/2024
It is written THUS IT IS POSSIBLE, that there will be men who will love their wife “as though loving their own body,” Ephesians 5: 28. They do exist. On the...
Bad choices. Abuse. Discouragement and Despair. Surrender. Hope. Second chances. Rachel knows God never wastes a hurt, so she shares her story with ladies who are done with defeat!...
Posted by Rachel Rutledge on 06/27/2024
Our Heavenly Father blesses us big! A grateful heart can make a huge difference in how we respond to day to day pressures, anxiety and life in general. Join Ruth as she...
Posted by Ruth Wheat on 06/26/2024
A Three-Session Training On DiscipleshipWe are passionate about women leading women to be fervent disciples of Jesus.The word “Leader” or “Shepherd” can sometimes...