Identify your passion, find your purpose and stand on the promises of God.This weekend retreat is designed to start you on the path to finding your purpose, (or confirming it), identify...
Never question in the valley what God has clearly shown you from the mountain peak!God desires to give us guidance, leading us in the good paths He has for us to walk in. He often...
A storm is on the horizon. Rain. A life changing event. There will always be a storm. Rain will fall sooner or later. Events that we have no control over. This program will...
What if you fix your eyes upon Jesus? Never taking your eyes off Jesus? How will that change your life?Learn how to do life with Jesus and let Him carry your burdens for you....
YES! There are blessings in the middle of a global pandemic.Too many times, we focus only on on our trials and not on our blessings. Even through a global pandemic, we have much to...
A humorous yet insightful look at who we are as women. In this lively and interactive message, Donna leads women to a better understanding of who God says they are. Women will be surprised...
This session is based on Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you.” God has a master plan, so how do we figure...
Jana testifies that God gives us what we need to go through an unexpected challenge or hardship. "I know the Plans I have for you,declare the Lord, plans to prosper...
I would have never imagined being given the role of a Pastor's wife, however, apparently it was part of God's plan because here I am! I have learned and gained so much wisdom being...
This weekend is based on Romans 15:13 and will allow the participant to see that through Christ we have enough hope for our past, present and future. One session deals with our pasts...