http://www.murielgladney.comIf you’ve ever gone garage selling, sometimes a valuable item is so dirty it looks #worthless. But, the expert can see beyond the dirt. God...
When a computer gets overloaded with ‘junk,’ etc., it requires a disc cleanup and defrag. Our minds are the greatest computer ever created—of course by God. And,...
Posted by Muriel Gladney on 02/22/2022
Do you dare to dream? In this trio of monologues about Peter's mother-in-law, Noah's wife and Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, you will be inspired to go for your...
Posted by Laurie Kiel on 10/31/2021
Reflecting on a trip to Barbados for our 10th anniversary, the frequent hand sanitizing reminders sparks thoughts on germs, forgiveness, and faith. Just as we cleanse our hands, our...
Hey there sister! I am super thrilled to be on this mountainous climb to Zion with you as we Train to Reign! Get excited! As you climb, the view is clearer, brighter and at the...
Posted by Holly LaChappell on 12/01/2020
Life out of control? Can’t slow down? Too many things to do? Wish for a moment of calm? Where’s the joy? Where’s the peace that passes all understanding? You...
Posted by Karen Duffy on 01/15/2020
Now when JESUS saw the crowds, He went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to Him and He began to teach them. This is a message that we need today to...
Posted by Kimberly Hooper on 11/12/2019
Your history is intended, by God, to serve as a personalized tool for leading others to Christ. Explore the safety, healing, and wholeness forgiveness offers, as Jesus wipes your slate...
Posted by Deb Copeland on 09/19/2019
Join us for this goofy, down-to-earth, inspirational session of clean humor and inspirational stories. Karen McCracken is down-to-earth and shares hilarious stories, great visuals...
Are you ready to explore the transformative impact of Christ on our lives and the world around us? Join us for a thought-provoking session with Joanna, where we’ll dive into...
Learn about them from the New Testament stories of those closest to Jesus and how He brought healing to broken lives. Identify the deep hurts within your own soul and bring them...
Posted by Karen Jurgens on 08/08/2018
Our culture is saturated with a Worship Disorder. We idolize ourselves - and whatever feels good or makes us look good. Many of these behaviors lead to self-destructive and addictive...
Posted by Robin Farnsworth on 08/08/2018