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Posted by: Joanna Fruhauf on 02/26/2019

IMPACT! Prepared and Purposed.

Are you ready to explore the transformative impact of Christ on our lives and the world around us? Join us for a thought-provoking session with Joanna, where we’ll dive into the two major impacts Christ made on Earth: His incarnation and His resurrection.

In this engaging talk, Joanna will discuss how Christ’s birth challenged societal norms and redefined human striving, and how His resurrection brings life from the dead, shaping our understanding of religion, hope, and the future. We’ll examine how these profound truths prove that salvation is found in Him alone and how they radically alter the way we interact with our world.

Together, we’ll reflect on how Christ’s impact has changed the course of our lives and consider how we are called to respond in faith and action.

Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of Christ’s significance! Invite Joanna to your church’s next women’s conference and discover the powerful ways His life and resurrection can transform us all!

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