Danna Demetre is an author, speaker, and veteran health coach whose experience, transparent personal stories, and grounded biblical teaching help women transform their lives and live...
Posted by Danna Demetre on 05/07/2023
God specifically tells us in His Word how He will remain faithful to bring good things in our lives after being hit with tragedy and suffering. Laura has learned this first-hand after...
Posted by Laura Diehl on 04/19/2023
Life is rarely what the fairy tales describe. We hope to find the "happy ever after" moments but true joy remains elusive.The world tells us to follow our heart and do whatever...
Posted by Janine Lansing on 04/15/2023
Everywhere we go, we are encouraged to "Choose Joy". But "choosing joy" rarely lasts. This is because joy is not a choice, it's a result of our choices....
Posted by Janine Lansing on 04/15/2023
Never question in the valley what God has clearly shown you from the mountain peak!God desires to give us guidance, leading us in the good paths He has for us to walk in. He often...
In this SOUL FREEING talk, Linette shares how God has actually given us the POWER of the HOLY NO! When we activate this concept, it will help us to cut out distractions, eliminate...
In this FUN & REAL talk, I unpack my “SECRET PLANS” method to actually get stuff done, avoid those time robbers that create “sink holes” in our...
The Master's Keys of Decrees52 Days of Decrees and Declarations for Youth (and Adults!) Why teach children to decree a thing? So, it will be established! Decrees restore what...
Posted by Holly LaChappell on 03/10/2023
What's a HOLY ACHE? Find the WHY that makes you cry and the THING that makes you SING during this INTERACTIVE message that will unearth your PURPOSE amid life's ashes. Linette...
What have you been trying to hold onto, this Christmas? Are you convinced it’s up to you to take control and make everything turn out right? With humor, candor, and...
Posted by Shannon Popkin on 02/06/2023
Have you experienced regrets or failures that seem to prevent you from reaching your full potential? Regrets can be powerful barriers to personal growth and achieving our full potential. They...
Posted by Anna Moore Bradfield on 01/15/2023
*Learn how to embrace change, for today and beyond.*Learn what’s needed mentally and physically to support the life you dream to live.*Leave with information, inspiration, motivation,...
Posted by Leslie Jackson on 12/30/2022