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Posted by: Janine Lansing on 04/15/2023

Cultivating Joy

  Everywhere we go, we are encouraged to "Choose Joy". But "choosing joy" rarely lasts. This is because joy is not a choice, it's a result of our choices.  

James tells us to "consider it joy" when we face trials. Really James? It sounds great in theory but in reality...not so easy. But with a little perspective shift, joy can abound. When we focus on the trial, it is overwhelming, but when we focus on the outcome instead, joy overflows. 

Attendees will leave motivated, empowered, and ready to take steps and make choices that will result in overflowing joy!

Janine Lansing — Author, Speaker, Fruit Cultivator


This talk could be made into a 3-4 session retreat or used as a 30-45 minute keynote or workshop.

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