We’ve all had times when it feels like something’s getting in the way of living the life God has for us, and yet, the Bible tells us to throw off what hinders us and run...
Posted by Kristen Leigh on 12/15/2024
Studies show that 93% of moms are currently in a state of burnout. While “The Weary World Rejoices” is the perfect topic during the Christmas season, it’s also relevant...
Posted by Kristen Leigh on 12/14/2024
Empowering women to quiet their mind, body, and spirit, escape overwhelm, and embrace the peace and joy they crave—living life fully, as God always intended=====In a world that...
Posted by Erin Moore on 12/14/2024
Reclaim Your Identity as God’s Beloved Daughter. Do you long to fully embrace your place as God’s daughter yet find yourself weighed down by feelings of abandonment,...
God has promises in His Word of His desire to be close to us.James 4:8 Come near to God and He will come near to you.How do we have relational closeness with God.We need to have the...
Posted by Debbie Powers on 12/12/2024
Being obedient is a daily workout. We have choices throughout our day to walk as Jesus walked...or not. God's commands are not to withhold things from us but to protect us....
Who or what are our biggest influencers? Who can we trust? How do we make right choices? We need wisdom to discern!=====To find the answer to the question in the first paragraph...
The spiritual heart is central to every aspect of our lives. It cannot be overemphasized that everything in our spiritual life, and life in general, is all about the condition of the...
I didn't experience the love of a father growing up. But when I found out I had a Father in heaven who loved me more than any earthly father could, my life was forever changed...
Many have gone on a futile search for the ideal utopia or Shangri-La in some remote place on planet Earth, but there is no such place. There is no place where there is perfect peace...
Waiting is one of the most difficult disciplines we have to learn. When we get impatient and tired of waiting, we may decide to take matters into our own hands. That is not a good...
We cannot judge the worth or value of something or someone by outward appearances alone. We only see an outward "cover," but we cannot see inside another's "book."...