An unlikely candidate for leadership, Moses began in more humble beginnings than most of us. He was born into incredibly bad circumstances with a good chance of death before he learned...
Posted by Renetta Nail on 05/21/2023
God is never blindsided by the events in our lives like we are, and always has a plan to turn our pain into an incredible purpose, using our tragedies as steppingstones to become the...
Posted by Laura Diehl on 04/19/2023
You don't plan to have an accident. But you can be prepared when you or someone else has an intense emotional incident. Our handy Emotional First Aid Triangle uses scripture and...
Posted by Hannah Thuku Kolehmainen on 03/23/2023
Adopt these clear, practical Biblical principles to help you or your team streamline your purpose to maximize your effectiveness and productivity. The process takes you from start...
Posted by Hannah Thuku Kolehmainen on 03/17/2023
In this SOUL FREEING talk, Linette shares how God has actually given us the POWER of the HOLY NO! When we activate this concept, it will help us to cut out distractions, eliminate...
In this FUN & REAL talk, I unpack my “SECRET PLANS” method to actually get stuff done, avoid those time robbers that create “sink holes” in our...
Jesus said, Come and follow Me etc. Ladies, despite the inaccurate interpretation, the Call of God was to males and females. For instance, in John 6: 44, 65, where the...
Yes, YOU can embrace the joy of the Lord in the midst of anxiety. It can be difficult because God’s joy doesn’t necessarily look like candy and roses all the time, does...
To effectively deal with mental health issues we need a trauma-Informed S.E.L.F.© Trauma is one of the 3 main causes of mental health problems. Learn what trauma is, how...
Posted by Danielle Bernock on 01/25/2023
We are called to set our hearts and minds on things above. An eternal mindset is the key to effective prayers because it helps keeps us focused on God’s purpose and plans for...
Posted by Mabel Ninan on 01/12/2023
Ever have the impulse to invest the gospel in younger believers, yet have no idea where to begin? What if you could learn the relational "back pocket basics"...
Posted by Kim Aldrich on 12/17/2022