On this episode of GraceStory Podcast, Sue Bowles is back on the show to share with us on what it means to fight for hope. She talks about how fighting for hope during times of heaviness, hopelessness, and anxiety can look as simple as pausing to breathe, reaching out to a friend, or engaging in a hobby. It’s not toxic positivity or ignorance; it’s mindfully choosing to believe in the next moment before you. This was such a great conversation; we hope you’ll listen! As a Master Certified Life Coach and Board Certified Master Mental Health Coach, Sue empowers those who...
On this 50 minute radio show hosted in Denmark with a listenership of 25,000, 40% of whom are in the US, Sue Bowles and Louisa 'Wizzi' Magnussen talk about life's traumas and what it takes to not only survive but even thrive after healing from it. Sharing more about the Dare to Believe Movement, Sue candidly shares her story, what she has learned, and the deep healing God has brought to her life when she 'took a risk on love.' Nestled within the radio show is a 6 song playlist personally selected by Sue to supplement the message, featuring music from a variety of Christian...
Rhonda Noordyk, CFEI | The Women’s Financial Wellness Center|8/3/2018 Going through divorce is a very powerful experience that shapes our characters. It is a time when we are tested to the core, challenged, and prepared for something greater. But divorce does not define us. Divorce is an event that we go through in life. Today’s guest is Dori Pulse, the founder of Girl for God Ministries and author of Everything Changed When I Said 'I Do'. She has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Theology, is a part of a step family for almost 20 years, facilitates divorce care...