Building a relationship with God isn’t about checking off a list of tasks, joining programs, or forcing yourself to read the Bible through in a year. It’s about finding simple, meaningful ways to connect with Him. Download this free eBook and discover how easy it can be to grow closer to God daily. Free eBook download ...
Do you check off your Bible reading as just another item on your to-do list? Learn to read the Scriptures in a new, relational way as you discover the book of James in this innovative, Spirit-led twelve-week study. Rather than using question answering in daily assignments, this fresh approach to Bible study encourages you to stop and listen to what God is saying to you. Author Misty Fitch says we enter into an intimate conversation with God when we read Scripture. “Isn’t it wonderful that the creator of all things yearns to spend such sweet time with you? Allow yourself to...
The End of the Story! Best You2022 When we read the Bible, we read it knowing the end of each story. Those living it, the Patriarchs and amazing women, had to live it out not knowing. We too, can't know the outcome of every situation, but we can absolutely get to know the ONE who does! ...