Are you ready to engage in authentic conversations with God? It is not always easy to know what to say or how to go the distance when you pray. Pray-er: Talk, Listen, Obey includes simple exercises and reflective questions that invite you to talk with God. For almost twenty years, Tracie has provoked others to build their own capacity through her teaching, counseling, and writing. Pray-er: Talk, Listen, Obey combines her personal experiences in prayer and expands upon the activities from her prayer calendars, devotionals, and Bible Study lessons. God's waiting to hear...
Posted by Tracie Morrison on 12/30/2024
Wonder Woman is exhausted! Striving to be everything for everyone will leave you drained and feeling empty! Discover the true power of being a Wonderous Woman in "Oh No! My Wonder Woman Cape is Caught in the Vacuum" by Ruth Wheat and Brenda Vicente. The authors, through their own personal experiences and insights, reveal the toll that society's unrealistic expectations can take on women and offer practical strategies for living a more balanced and fulfilling life. Benefits: - Embrace your authentic self and live with joy and purpose - Learn to manage time effectively, set...
Posted by Ruth Wheat on 11/16/2024
Beth and her husband serve with Cru Military®. Beth served as a military wife herself during her husband’s 25-year career with the Air Force. Beth disciples and conducts Bible studies for female cadets and young military spouses. Having come to faith through Bible study, she has led small groups for military couples and taught Bible study for 23 years. She is also a women’s ministry speaker in various venues. She is completing a Master of Theological Studies at Gateway Seminary and is releasing a book for military wives called Another Move, God? 30 Encouragements to Embrace Your...
Posted by Beth Runkle on 02/16/2024
The Woman Inspired Podcast Nominated in 2022 AND 2023 for a Spark Media Podcast Award! Inspiration, laughter, Biblical truths, zany stories and authentic testimony for women! Tune in by clicking Listen Now or in the podcast player below, and of course, on all major podcast platforms. ...
Posted by Karen McCracken on 10/06/2023
Are you struggling to put all the pieces together? If you are an intelligent, authentic, compassionate, creative, heart-centered, female medical professional (MD, DO, ND, DC, PA, DAc, NP, RN, APRN, resident or medical student) planning your launch into private practice, I’ve been where you are. I understand the doubt, fears, and struggle required to transform your medical practice. Perhaps you’ve taken a leap of faith and started to build your dream. Maybe you’ve already invested a lot of time, money and energy (not to mention blood, sweat and tears!) to get it off the ground....
Posted by Cynthia Libert, M.D. on 08/18/2023
“I love this book! I love how it gives readers permission to release any pressure to be ‘right.’ It frees us to enjoy the journey of learning and discovering!” Laura Diehl, Author, Co-Owner of GPS Growth Vision Experience this new self help book with the included workbook for men and women, providing perspective transformation and spiritual growth based on freedom, authenticity, and love. Experience “aha” breakthroughs as you: Tackle the topics of time, money and love through a spiritual lens that validates your authentic self.Compare religions without...
Posted by Marnie Swedberg on 05/18/2023
Join in this inspirational talk based on F.A.I.T.H., with Speaker, Business Owner, and Life Coach, #KateDecker. F.A.I.T.H. = Being Fearless, Authentic, Inspiring, Thoughtfully Thorough, while keeping our eyes Heavenward! Check out this Interview from the Spiritual Growth Summit 2023 with #Marnie Swedberg. Coach Kate Decker is the Founder of Institute of Athletic Movement who focuses on life balance and the mind-body-spirit connection. Interested in booking Kate Decker or learning how she can help you or your organization? Email: #faith #fearless...
Posted by Kate Decker on 03/08/2023
Sue Bowles joins the podcast to share her story of hurts that left her feeling beyond help. Sue describes a “nagging optimism” that kept her going, even when she wanted to give up and end her own life. Sue is the author of "This Much I Know...The Space Between," a book where she shares her pursuit of healing from childhood sexual abuse and other traumas resulting in an eating disorder, constantly struggling to answer the question "Why?" Grace Story has booked Sue to be a Story Teller at the November 2025 Conference in Cincinnati, OH. ...
Posted by Sue Bowles on 12/19/2022
Join us as we talk authentic, maskless living, breaking free of the masks we wear trying to make others believe we have no problems. ...
Posted by Sue Bowles on 10/18/2022
I'm Yvette Walker, the founder of Positively Joy Ministries. I strive for whose authenticity, practical insights, and gentle humor to leave women feeling recognized, empowered, open, and understood. Use this one-sheet to determine whether I'm is a fit for your event. ...
Posted by Yvette Walker on 04/18/2022
At a time of year where we feel we "should " feel joyful, the extra stress and responsibilities of the holidays, loss of loved ones and more, can cause this to be a real struggle. Add to this the challenges we've faced in the last 2 years with COVID-19, and joy can be hard to find. At the BCC Women's Christmas Brunch, Ammie shared her own experiences in a way that allowed many to relate to her journey. She reminded us where our true joy comes from. Ammie provided encouragement and reminders from scripture that allowed the ladies attending to leave the event feeling lighter and...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022
Surrender your life in all its dimensions to the Master Designer and prepare to be amazed at all He has in store for you! Before any significant makeover can occur, some demolition is usually needed. The old and unnecessary must be torn down before they can be replaced with the new and improved renovations. That is how God usually works in our lives as well. We must be willing to stand before the Master Designer and surrender all the “stuff” that is standing in the way of our remodel. Known for her authenticity and transparency, Danna touches women by her willingness to go deep...
Posted by Danna Demetre on 10/18/2021