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Posted by Beth Runkle on 02/16/2024

Abundant Woman Collective Podcast: Deploying Discipleship

Beth and her husband serve with Cru Military®. Beth served as a military wife herself during her husband’s 25-year career with the Air Force. Beth disciples and conducts Bible studies for female cadets and young military spouses. Having come to faith through Bible study, she has led small groups for military couples and taught Bible study for 23 years. She is also a women’s ministry speaker in various venues. She is completing a Master of Theological Studies at Gateway Seminary and is releasing a book for military wives called Another Move, God? 30 Encouragements to Embrace Your Life as Military Wife with B & H Publishing in October of 2024.

In today's episode, we chat about the importance of nurturing personal relationships in ministry, emphasizing consistency and commitment, we chat about Beth's spiritual journey and what led her to where she is now. And we talk all about COMMUNITY! One of our favorite topics around here!

This episode resonates with many women who, regardless of their experience, often grapple with feelings of self-doubt and inadequacies in their spiritual journey. Overcome these feelings as Beth shares personal experiences and strategies to embrace discipleship with confidence. The episode serves as an empowering guide, providing specific resources to aid your discipleship journey, and encouraging authentic conversations around doubts and ways to overcome them. 

Abundant Woman Collective Podcast: Deploying Discipleship


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