It's the little, hidden sins that create the most damage in our lives and relationship with God. But when we are honest and choose to repent, we get to experience an intimacy with God like no other. This song is a reminder to guard our hearts and keep our gardens tended. ...
Posted by Shana Strange on 07/30/2020
Many of us encounter times in which we feel forgotten, overlooked, or invisible. In Unforgettable, author Stephanie Henderson speaks to the core of a woman's heart where these feelings often dwell. She not only reveals her personal journey with the Lord but also explores applicable biblical teachings and inspirational anecdotes to help women understand themselves more deeply and discover that they too are unforgettable through the lens of God's vast love and grace. Through stories of remarkable and powerful women in the Bible - such as Hannah, Jochebed, Elizabeth, Mary, and Mary Magdalene...
Posted by Stephanie Henderson on 07/29/2020
Meet Featured Speaker, Tanya Jolliffe and discover the basics about: 1. Phases 2. Prompts 3. Development 4. Change She goes into detail about each of these in her book, The Mindful Me Journey: A 40-Day Guided Journal Toward a Healthier Relationship with Food and Exercise. [ ] ...
Posted by Tanya Jolliffe on 03/12/2020
We all know someone younger and older! Maybe God is prompting you to mentor, but you don’t know where to begin. Here are 10 practical and curated worksheets to help you from the very first day of your new mentoring relationship! Topics include: “Getting Started: Mentor Questionnaire” “Personal Growth Plan” “Quiet Time: Four Roadblocks to spending time alone with God” and seven more. Buy all ten for 3.99 and begin your next mentoring relationship today! An exciting adventure awaits as you trust God to bring you alongside another. We are blessed...
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 02/27/2020
This four phased active journaling program helps people identify the what and why of eating and exercise behavior. Open ended prompts help people uncover the impact of emotions and feelings and how they are being expressed through food and exercise. Develop healthy guidelines and guardrails to turn impulse and reaction into cognitive thought and decision. Turn away from chronic dieting and eating and exercise disorder to live a nourishing and active life. Say goodbye to fear, guilt, and shame and hello to health and freedom. This active journaling guided program is designed for use...
Posted by Tanya Jolliffe on 02/12/2020
-How can I experience true joy in the midst of my loss or trial? -Will I ever get out of the pit and experience sustaining peace that the Bible talks about? -How do I start dancing with God again? Maybe you have asked these or similar questions at one time or another. The truth is we have all experienced loss, pain or fracture in some relationship at some point in our life. How we move forward with God in our journey can make all the difference. Because of a personal loss in Lisa's life, she learned to cry out to God in ways that brought her closer to God and there was strength in the sorrow...
Posted by Lisa Spivey on 10/19/2019
Deborah Lovett - Speakery Women helping and encouraging each other to a deeper growing relationship with Jesus Christ, through HIS word, prayer and fellowship, so that we will be a reflection of HIS IMAGE IN OUR WORLD FOR TODAY. ...
Posted by Deborah Lovett on 09/23/2019
After 17 years of misery, authors, Steve and Laine Craft threw out the marital mess they'd made and created a new menu for restoring their wedded bliss. Start Again from Scratch contains the real-life, no-fail recipe the Crafts created to revive their failing marriage. Now they want ot share it with you. Inside these pages, you'll find: Fresh, quality ingredients for a whole new life, New utensils to get your relationship cooking right, and Detailed directions that guarantee delicious reults. ...
Posted by Laine Craft on 08/21/2019
Step by Step into a Deeper Walk in Christ is a different type of Devotional. Sandra Lott has created an Interactive Devotional and Bible Study which will help you to develop a closer relationship with Christ. ...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 07/31/2019
The Sav-A-Life Ministry Each year, 9000 women in Alabama believe that abortion is the only solution to an unplanned pregnancy. Sav-A-Life, Vestavia is the largest pregnancy care center in the Birmingham metropolitan area and is dedicated to putting an end to abortion, not by legal and public policy, but by supporting one woman at a time, to spare her and her child from abortion. We work to accomplish this goal by offering free and confidential...
Have you ever found yourself in a childlike state in your relationship with God? Have you ever needed someone to come and walk along side you everyday who relates to your struggles? Ammie Boumann does just that in this daily Devotional Living On The Waves. Each day she brings the Grace and Love of God to you in a relatable way. Her personal journey and redemption story brings hope and light to even your darkest places. She takes you day by day, moment by moment giving you biblical principles and personal encouragement to help you conquer the lies that the enemy uses against you. Each page if...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 04/06/2019
Mary Southerland swam against an undercurrent of unhappiness until she discovered how she was created for joy! "Laugh More... Live Better" is a refreshing message filled humor and principles that will empower you to: Minimize "joy-stealers" in your life, such as stress, unrealistic expectations and harmful relationships.Relish the benefits of joy, such as healing, strength, relaxation, and encouragement.Adjust your focus to appreciate the small wonders that each day holds....
Posted by Mary Southerland on 03/01/2019