-How can I experience true joy in the midst of my loss or trial?
-Will I ever get out of the pit and experience sustaining peace that the Bible talks about?
-How do I start dancing with God again?
Maybe you have asked these or similar questions at one time or another. The truth is we have all experienced loss, pain or fracture in some relationship at some point in our life. How we move forward with God in our journey can make all the difference.
Because of a personal loss in Lisa's life, she learned to cry out to God in ways that brought her closer to God and there was strength in the sorrow because her circumstance did not define her. The path God takes you down will be worth every bit of pain. For it won't be long before your faith will be strengthened and you will begin to dance as you see that God has truly turned your mourning into dancing (Psalm 30:11).
You will see what Lisa has learned through the years is that the present is not permanent, but God's presence is!
Big Girls DO Cry ~ Letting God Heal Your Hurts From The Inside Out!