Eight week, in-depth Bible study in workbook format. Through this study, you will watch the budding father of a nation question God's plans, take matters into his own hand, and, at times, compromise truth. Like us, Abraham made mistakes along his journey with God. However, he learned to trust God more fully with each misstep and ultimately became a great man of faith. Through Abraham's story, you will gain a greater understanding of the covenant God made with Abraham and his descendants. You will find a greater sense of peace and security as you discover your inheritance as Abraham's...
Posted by Mindy Ferguson on 05/10/2018
Upon my entry in the world of faith, the discovery that women were considered second class citizens left me without words. However, over the course of now 30 years, God's word has confirmed just the opposite. God cannot be put in a box. Neither can His plan for His purposed women be put in a box despite centuries of attempts. For instance, the Samaritan woman was the 'first' evangelist about the arrival of the Messiah, Jesus. In Luke 24, a woman, or women, appointed by Jesus, were the 'first' messengers that Jesus was risen, as He had promised. Both situations included women...
Love Needs No Words Rachel and Mitchell both grow up in the small town of Providence, Tennessee. Their paths keep crossing and at one point it looks like they'll finally get together. But the opportunity slips away and they go their separate ways. It takes a tragedy many years later before they're reunited. This time will they let the moment pass or will they take a step of faith and trust God to work a miracle in their lives? This beautiful redemptive romance is portrayed with no dialogue, using dramatic action, breathtaking cinematography,and an incredible soundtrack of indie...
Posted by Sharon Wilharm on 01/03/2018
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M4PPF38 Formally titled Desire's Promise - Newly revised and expanded. Carlie Livingston is steering into her last year of college in Oxford, Ohio, confident that she and Lance Holloway are headed to the altar after graduation. Those plans are wrecked, however, by her dad’s infidelity, causing her parents to walk through a messy divorce. Will she have the same fate if she marries her college sweetheart who comes from a secular family? Her mother insists she will. She tests God’s Word by letting Him take the wheel of her life. But if God...
Posted by Karen Jurgens on 01/02/2018
Lore and Michael started their family with great hope for the future, but when their son’s life begins to spiral downward, they come face to face with what it truly means to trust in God. This film unflinchingly explores the topics of Parenting, Suffering and Loss, and God’s Sovereignty. ...
At her favorite place in the park Grace cries out after discovering what her father had done to her and at that moment, she just needed to be held. “Why, why daddy! Why did you hurt me like that! Why! I want to hate you, but I can’t! Why did you do that to me! Why, why, why did you do it? Oh, Lord, I know I need to let go and forgive. I understand what it means to forgive that itis releasing me from the hold of my abusers. I do get it, Father, that as long as I hold on to bitterness and resentment and do not forgive the ones that hurt me,...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 10/20/2017
God Speaks to Me? is for those, like Marlene, who at times may question their ability to hear God speak. The excerpts of her personal encounters with God will communicate, demonstrate, and motivate others to love the Lord Jesus Christ and to live out His Word in their daily lives. Fine Tune My Hearing, Lord Father, fine-tune my hearing And help me to see, You are calling; calling for me. There are many voices on any given day I just keep on rushing, hurrying on my way. You say You will speak. You say You will wait. The day’s almost gone, It’s getting very late....
Posted by Marlene Salcher on 05/19/2017
Dear Leader, I’m so thankful for your sweet service to our Lord, and your desire to lead others to follow Him more closely. Your job is so important! Especially as we talk about moving in a new direction: from Control Girls to Jesus Girls. As we study the stories of seven controlling women in the Bible, we’ll be looking for two things: Warnings and lessons for ourselves.New insights about God. Yet our goal is broader than just knowing new things. We want to turn in a new direction because we see and know and believe what is true. And what is true about this subject of control?...
Posted by Shannon Popkin on 04/05/2017
Little fights with your husband and kids. Unhappiness when things don’t match your version of perfect. Tension, anger, fear, anxiety–it all begins with a heart that craves control. When your perspective of how life should go replaces God’s, you doom your quest for security, peace, and joy before it even starts. Thankfully, there is a better way. Join Shannon as she shares what she has discovered about her own control struggles and about God from studying seven Control Girls in the Bible. Whether it was Eve’s desire to know instead of trust, Sarah’s inability...
Posted by Shannon Popkin on 04/05/2017
Relationships can sometimes take unexpected turns, and many Christian women are reluctant to share these challenges with others, fearing they may be stripped of their robe of righteousness. In Dropped but Not Broken, author Paula Harris confronts these all-too-common issues. She shows how women can experience deliverance and healing in order to be set free to receive and give love once again. Through a series of real-life, mini-narratives and scripture-based advice, Dropped but Not Broken offers guidance for bringing prayer and calm love into one's life. It shows women how to know a love that...
Posted by Paula Harris on 12/31/2015
Even for the follower of Christ, life is not always easy or fair. Yet, Sheryl Giesbrecht has learned, from the depths of past pain, it is possible to be raised up. It is possible to heal. Most importantly, it is possible to exchange hurt for hope. In her inspirational new book, Get Back Up: Trusting God When Life Knocks You Down , Sheryl tells her own story. She also uses scripture to tell the stories of so many other Biblical figures who stumbled before they could be helped up. Sheryl’s message is one of hope. Trusting God in the midst of a life turned upside down is essential...
Posted by Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner on 12/30/2015
Sometimes life is just hard; hard to breathe, hard to laugh, hard to cry and hard to live. No matter what we go through the ultimate element of our survival is trusting in God. Yet, even when we know to trust in Him, do we really do it? Lynnette Appling teaches a gripping, candid and intriguinging message concerning The Heart Of A Woman. She unveils a series of personal insights that exposes the human realities of her Christian walk. By becoming transparent, she allows women to share her expereinces and learn about the integrity and character of God's heart. She answers questions so many...
Posted by Lynnette Appling, MSHRM, PHR on 12/28/2015