Perspectives is a guided journal to help you become a better human. In times like these, we should all work on unifying and relating to each other. This book awakens you to another level of awareness, realizing that human beings are more profound and more complex than the labels prescribed to us. This book will help you embrace what we call "bridge moments" to courageously speak up while connecting with people different from you and building a better relationship with them. Â Being understood is a basic human need. We all have a right to express our voice. Conscious efforts are needed...
Posted by Kendra Q. Dodd on 03/20/2023
Perspectives is a guided journal to help you become a better human. In times like these, we should all work on unifying and relating to each other. This book awakens you to another level of awareness, realizing that human beings are more profound and more complex than the labels prescribed to us. This book will help you embrace what we call "bridge moments" to courageously speak up while connecting with people different from you and building a better relationship with them. ...
Posted by Kendra Q. Dodd on 03/20/2023
Mom’s Secret Strength is a comprehensive guide to help mothers pray for their children before and after birth. God’s love and your love can shepherd them through every stage in their life, from infancy to adulthood. I have three children of my own, two young adults and one teenager. God has been central to our home and has helped my husband and me in bringing them up, even when life has taken me to a different country to seek a better life for my family. I want to share what has helped me as a mother to maintain my home and introduce our children to God. Together we will...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 02/28/2023
The Authors Show features interviews with published and self-published authors in all book genres. Evelyn Leite shares how to exchange confusion, despair and sorrow with hope. Evelyn’s own life story featured a broken, but charming, southerner daddy, a bedridden mama, neglect, a pedophiliac hired man, mind rape and more. ...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
Prior to the Covid shutdown and during the shutdown the Lord talked to Joyce. During her walks, during down sitting and uprising. His voice was very clear and the sound carried over the wind. This little book is an open window to moments of courage, loss, and joy. It felt like a summer of rainbows in the midst of storms. Belief in Jesus unwavering. This little book is available in Kindle and paperback. ...
Posted by Joyce Stone on 09/21/2022
For years I struggled with prayer. Prayer was more of something that stood between me and that first bite of macaroni and cheese or something that would ward off any monsters in my closet. It was something that would protect me in the night in case I died suddenly, never waking up again. It was less about having a conversation with God and more about a checklist. “Yes, Mom, I said my prayers.” But at 51 years old, I found the hidden door. Maybe like me, you’ve had misconceptions your whole life about prayer. Perhaps you’ve always wanted a more intimate, active prayer life...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022
There are moments in time we will never forget. These moments are not only forever in our hearts and minds, but they help build who we are and take us places where we will long to return. This rhythmic children’s story will delight readers young and old. It will inspire memories to surface from days gone by and encourage new ones to be made. Take a trip to the sea and the sand. ...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022
Discover the hopes and plans God has for your life—ones filled with purpose and impact—and not only as a Mom but as His beloved and precious daughter. Imagine: Releasing lies that hold you back and waking up with the confidence to mother without guilt or shame.Finding your best friend, the One who helps you find your heart's desires.Discovering your purpose as Mom and as daughter of the King.Being filled and led with joy, peace, love, hope, and grace.Taking care of your whole self and igniting deep connection with and faith in your children. Going through The S.O.A.R. Method Coaching...
Posted by Natalie Dawn Hanson on 02/08/2022
As a mom, sometimes I need encouraging reminders that I'm a good mom, that I have everything I need to play this most challenging, yet extraordinary role. These 10 Printable Cards filled with encouraging reminders are meant to build moms up and remind them of the things we can so easily forget when motherhood gets hard. It's an opportunity for me to lift and encourage others moms. ...
Posted by Natalie Dawn Hanson on 02/08/2022
In this FREE training by Natalie and FREE downloadable resource, she teaches moms 9 ways to build connection with their children and soar as a mom in the joy and beauty of her divine purpose. ...
Posted by Natalie Dawn Hanson on 02/08/2022
The last few years have been hard in so many ways. This is my gift to fellow mommas. I created this Mom's Guide to Not Just Surviving but Thriving at the peak of Covid for moms because I know how difficult motherhood can be and how more difficult it became during that time. I've also learned some valuable lessons in my years of motherhood I'm hoping other moms will find helpful as they navigate their days. This resource is filled with practical, applicable suggestions on how to thrive and learn to soar as a mom and woman! ...
Posted by Natalie Dawn Hanson on 02/08/2022